2- Dark Abyss ✓

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My mouth hung open. My mind completely unfocused and in shock. My eyes stared back at him, waiting for him to tell me this was a sick joke. But nothing came out, and nothing seemed to take me out of my shock. His expression was passive, unchanging. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. There was first shock rolling in like harsh waves and then slowly they dispersed, and slowly the shock was replaced with harsh waves of anger.

"Disculpa? Que chingados me dijiste?" My mouth had finally decided to speak, seeing as my mind was wandering everywhere. I couldn't be more than grateful right at this moment for being able to talk Spanish because of how he didn't understand Spanish.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired of seeing you prancing around as if being single were the most natural thing. I just decided to make myself clear right now and make you mine officially, seeing as you aren't going to do anything about making yourself taken. I had decided to take matters into my own hands. Oh, this also means you have no say in this." His dark, hooded eyes remained the same until he had explained that I had no say in the marriage. When he reached that small bit, his eyes looked at me with such coldness, I simply couldn't hold back the small shiver that had claimed my body that slight second. Whether it was in anticipation or fear, I had no clue as to what had run through me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't quite comprehend why the sudden possessiveness nature coming from you. I'm sure you haven't been only looking at me, but I'm sure there were other 'candidates' to take my position. So explain to me, Mr. Storm. Why the sudden interest?" My words had caught him. The way his expression changed from collected to bewildered, showed exactly how much my words had registered in his mind. I, on the other hand, kept my cool. Showing nothing, but control and cold stare.

"I–I'm not one to explain myself, Miss. Haynes. Especially if it concerns how I act. Now back to the topic—"

"You will not avoid the question I made, sir. Now answer me before I leave. I have more important issues to arrange than this silly game." His eyes flared, igniting with anger and pride. He seemed to be angry with my response, but the pride in his eyes told me otherwise.

"You intrigue me. The way you hold yourself high and the way you don't let anybody else crush you down, bring you down. I admire you. But I also envy you because of that. No matter how hard someone tries to bring you down, you always manage to let it go. You manage to show them something true and pure. Something completely out of context for them. Too complex to understand. But for me, I hold them to it. It's always about never forgiving. It's always about looking cold and distant. You manage to put yourself out there and yet still seem distant, mysterious. I only know one person you smile with and that's Clare Monte. I don't know the reason, but I want to also be the one you smile at, but by the way, you're acting around me, I guess I have to start acting like a lost puppy and follow you and truly show you what I am capable of before gaining your trust. Imagine gaining your trust, how will it be? I want to be there with you through thick and thin. All because you intrigue me. And not just that, but I also see a future. This wasn't coincidental, this was fate, destiny. Whatever you want to call it. But for me, this was meant to be. And all I say is true, whether you believe me or not, I'll make you believe me. Because I want you to feel the same about me as I feel about you right now. Now, what do you say Haynes? You can voice your opinion out, but you can't deny this. I won't let that happen." The determination in his hooded eyes and the way his eyes lit up whenever he talked about an "us", made a shiver take over my body like a wave crashing on the shore. Calming, yet alarming. Calming to know that someone was willing to force me into marriage without questioning my outside life from work. Alarming, because he would force my hand in marriage and would stop at nothing to make me 'his'. Both sounded really difficult to make a combination of, but nothing is impossible.

"Is it possible for me to reject you? Runaway, change my name, and never come back? Or is that not an option too?" When I spoke my opinion, his eyes were no longer carefree, but rather dark and heavy with such emotion that a shiver almost ran through me.

"Absolutely not. That is not an option. That was out of the question in the first place. You will not leave." His voice was curt and hard, leaving no space to argue. His eyes had formed a cold and stilling stare. His lips set into a straight line when he finished, and his jaw clenching. He seemed to lean forward towards me. Resting his elbows on his desk and his chin resting on the palms of his hands. I leaned forward as well. Mentally and physically preparing me for what was to come. Our breaths mingled, making my heart skip a beat. It was like two worlds collided with each other, and yet somehow managed to dissolve together into thin air. Soon, I leaned and moved to his ear. My lips brushed his ear, causing him to shiver the slightest. I emitted a breath of hot air by his ear and slowly whispered, "I do have a choice, and I choose no."

I moved away from him and stood up, looking at him. My glare so intense and still, my mouth set in a thin line, and a stare so cold, that he managed to shiver once more.

"Have a good day," I kept my stare cold and looked at him, dead in the eye, "Goodbye."

I turned around, and walked away, naively thinking I had escaped.


Disculpa? Que chingados me dijiste? - Excuse me? What the fuck did you just tell me?


So, here's the second chapter. I'm sorry I haven't kept my promise of updating frequently, and there are no excuses, but, uh, I wrote this book when i was like what, 5? This is so old, bear with me to get this done and actually accomplished. Again, I'm sorry. 

Would it be a bother to ask you guys to keep voting and commenting?

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