group projects.

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Like, wtf. These just shouldn't be a thing in general. I get that it's 'a useful tool to be able to work with your peers' like, shut up please.

There's always that one person in the class that's just THE WORST to work with. Let's name her Susie (I'm sorry in advance if your name is Susie). So you, susie and sally are in a group together. Susie wants to take over the group and is like "Ok, so we are going to do everything I say, ok?" LIKE NO. I'M MY OWN PERSON. So you'll say something like, " I'm gonna start the writing portion" and Susie will be like, "did I tell you you could? No. So only do what I say. Start the drawing portion." Okay. You don't want to make her mad so you start the drawing portion.

Susie will gaze at your work and lowkey stink eye it because it's not up to Susie's witch bitch standards. She will then proceed to say, "what the hell is that y/n. It's off centre and it's really ugly. Before you redo it, I recommend you go buy some standards ." By now you are pissed as fuck 'cause this little shitfaced piece of trash thinks she can boss you around. You are on your last nerve and you finally say, "okay. This is a GROUP project. Can you spell it? G-R-O-U-P. You don't seem to understand that concept. I've tried to reason with you but you aren't letting me do anything. If you don't calm your shit then I'm gonna go tell the teacher that you can't grasp the whole 'working together' aspect of this project." And whadya know? SHE STARTS CRYING.

Now now friends. Don't fret. When she gets a job in the real world, no one will take any of her shit. She will get fired.

Just some fun to spruce up your week. I bet most people can relate. Bye lovelies ♥️

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