Regrets part 1 🤦‍♀️💜

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Trey's POV
"Malaika, we going in 10 minutes hurry up babe!" I shouted to her from the living room couch. We where supposed to set of 20 mins ago but I'd been waiting for queen to finish touching up her makeup for what felt like forever. We where going clubbing for the night as we hadn't been in ages. "I'm only going to be a minute" I hear her shout from her bedroom. I roll my eyes, "more like another half an hour" I mumbled to myself. Malaika and I have had a few disagreements lately but I loved her with all my heart. Hopefully we can clear the air up soon. "Yo bro you need to chill, let the girl do what she gotta do we've got all night." Ar'mon states as he slowly walks into the living room glued to his phone. "Bro we where supposed to go 20 minutes ago!" I said loosing my patience. "Boy you need to understand we can't all live up to your standard so sit down and chill bro!" He explained,
"ok your right." I said letting out a sigh.
Malaika's POV
"So sis how is you and trey? U seem a little off with each other" queen asked with a disappointed look on her face. "Oh it's.... fine" I stated looking down at my legs. "Girl you ain't fine look at you, you look like you been going through some issues." She said looking at me sympathetically. She was right. "It's complicated" I said as she yanked my head to the side as she fixed up my contour. "Explain to me, "its complicated" ain't meaning much to me sis", she said snapping her fingers. "Ok, so we just been arguing a lot, he has his opinions, I have mine and we've just been having a few disagreements" I said as my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach. "Boys!" She said sarcastically "I've had these problems with Chris, you'll soon be good with each other" queen stated as she leaned in for a comforting hug. "Now let's get to the club whilst your eyebrows still slaying!" She smiled at me.
Trey's POV
After all that time I finally hear the bedroom door slam shut. As malaika walked down the stairs I looked over at Ar'mon, his eyes where glued to her "bro!" "Huh?" He said quickly snapping out of it. "You mind getting your eyes off my girl!" I said already heated. "What you mean dawg" he said looking embarrassed, but I could see why he was staring at her so much. I looked over to see her standing by the door slipping her heels on. She was wearing a skin tight dress that showed off the curves of her body and her hair and makeup was fine! I was so happy she was mine but we weren't on civil terms. "We going or what?" She said sarcastically looking over at me. "Uh yeh..." I said walking over to her and grabbing her hand. The way she looked at me and smiled made it feel like she had forgotten about the problems we had been going through lately, but something about it still felt akward.
Ar'mon's POV
I sat on the couch whilst checking instagram and scrolling through all the feed on my phone. I tried to stay out of all the arguments going on between malaika and trey, but it had a big impact on trey. I glanced up from my phone to see trey sat on the edge of the couch with his head cupped in his hands. "Bro, you need to chill" I gave him a heads up, he was so heated about the whole situation. All of a sudden the door slammed from upstairs. I looked over to see malaika in her skin tight dress coming down the stairs as queen followed behind her. I didn't realize at the time but I couldn't keep my eyes off her. "Bro!" Trey yelled. "Huh?" I said snapping out of it immediately as it was so sudden that it startled me. "You mind getting your eyes off my girl". "What you mean dawg" he knew exactly what I was doing, I sat blushing in my seat starting at the floor. I wish I had a chance with malaika but she's with my bro. I couldn't do anything like that to my bro.
*a few hours later at the club*
Malaika's POV
We had been at the club for an hour or so and I could feel my self getting drunker off the alcohol. I was going to regret drinking this tomorrow morning. I sat with queen as trey was up on the dance floor, he was so drunk that he could barely stand up without falling. He was dancing with these girls who looked to be as drunk as he was, but that doesn't change the fact that he was just completely blanking me out to go dance with some other girls right in front of me. "You want another drink?" Queen asked me as she stood up from her seat. "Yeh, get me a a shot" I had to get drunker quick so I would remember any of this in the morning. "Yes sis going in hard!" She said in a sassy tone. I laughed whilst staring right at trey. As queen walked off towards the bar, I walked up to trey in attempt of getting his attention. "Babe!" I shouted over the music. He turned around all he did was laugh, he was obviously too drunk to talk. I was trying to get him back to his seat but the girls surrounding him ended up pushing out the way. I needed some time to clear my head, after all the arguments and now this. I couldn't think straight. I went out the back where there where hardly anyone there apart from the odd person who went out for some space. I made my way towards the door as queen stopped me on my way "your drink! Where are you going?". I ignored her and kept walking. I got outside to see armon sat on the bench. "Yo, what are you doing out here?" I questioned.
Ar'mon's POV
I sat outside to get some space. I was a little drunk but not to the point that trey was at. I wasn't a massive fan of crowded places so I just felt calmer outside. I was sat on the bench thinking . Malaika looks so good tonight but she's dating trey. I need to get her out of the picture and find someone else, I can't be chasing my brothers girl! Right as I was thinking about her the door opened and Malaika's face peered from behind the door. "Yo what are you doing out here?" She asked me closing the door behind her. "I just need some room" I said whilst shuffling up the bench and offering her a seat. "Right, it's pretty crowded in there" she said as she sat beside me. As she sat next to me all I could smell was the strong perfume she was wearing. I looked over at her, she was staring through the window to what looked like trey dancing with some girls. "Why aren't you in there having fun, trey is in there" I said as she turned to look at me. "I don't feel like it, I'm little tired." She said as she brushed her hair behind her ear. "It's pretty cold out here right?" She said as she shuffled up closer to me. "Oh..... yeah it is" I put my arm around her in attempt to warm her up. She looked at me for a moment with a confused look on her face. "Oh I'm sorry I jus....." "it's fine" she said as she cuddled up into me. "You said you tired?" I asked her as her eyes where slowly shutting. She looked up to me to speak and I could smell alcohol on her breath. "Yeah, it's pretty late." She explained. "You wanna go home? I can grab the keys off queen" I said as she rested her head on my chest. "You don't have to I mean...." getting her home could mean that this situation wouldn't be happening, just image how trey would feel is he saw my arms around her like this. "Come on I'll grab the keys off queen you follow me" I insisted. We both stood up and made our way back inside.
Malaika's POV
Ar'mon took me inside to grab the keys from queen. As soon as we opened the door a blast of loud music and the smell of strong alcohol came booming out the club. Ar'mon explained to queen and she came walking towards me. "Why you going so early?!" She asked me trying to shout over the music. "It's getting late and I need some time away from the whole situation." I explained. "I feel you girl ill see you tomorrow ok?" She said as she hugged me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned to see who it was. It was trey. "I heard your leaving, we still got all night girl!" He said whilst raising his glass up into the air spilling some on the floor. "I need to go, wake me up when you get back home ok?" Before he could answer the group of girls came and dragged him back onto the dance floor he waved to me and smiled revealing his braces. He was cute but the fact that he just let this all happen made me think if he really cared about me still. Ar'mon came back up to me "I got the keys, here you hop in the car I'll be right out" he explained. Without hesitation I made my way out the door and towards the jeep. I got in the car and strapped in, I need the time to think.
*after the journey home"
"Thanks for doing that Ar'mon, you really didn't have to" I said as he turned to me and smiled. "It's cool no problem" "hey when you go back can you tell trey...." he cut me off mid sentence "I won't we going back, I need to get away from that place too" he said as he locked the door behind him. "Okay well I'm gonna go straight to bed, I'm real tired" he looked at me. "Wait he said as he grabbed my hand, "huh?" I questioned, he hugged me in attempt to comfort me. He knew me and trey where going through a hard time right now. "I know how you and trey have been these days" he slowly pulled away from the hug and stood in front of me holding both my hands. "Yeah, but we'll figure it out i know we will" I said as I took my hand from his and tucked my hair behind my ear. We stopped for a moment and I placed my hand back in his. I stared directly into his deep soothing eyes as he stared into mine. We stood there for a while and next thing I knew he slowly leaned in for a kiss. Man was I going to regret this 🙄🙄🙄

Hey this is another story for my girl malaika, ok ik this one is really bad but no harsh judgement. Btw this is part one, part two will be published shortly. If anyone want me to write them a specific fan-fic tell me in the comments your name, and the basic plot of the story. Thanks for reading and look out for part two 😏💜♥️❤️

Regrets 🤦‍♀️💜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora