Chapter 3:B

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b) Attend dinner with Jaehyun and his family.


"Okay mum, I'll just cancel practise and attend dinner" I huffed as I walked up the stairs and went to sleep.


Finally back in a routine, I got ready and went to school. I had art so I waited at the art room for Lami because classes had already started. When she walked in the class I patted the seat next to me that I save her. She sat by me and we began listening to the teacher.

"Morning Mrs, sorry I'm late" we were all interrupted by a tall student that I instantly recognized. "Sehun, why are you late" The teacher asked him.

"I was walking to school and these ninjas atta-"

"He slept in" Chanyeol said, interrupting his lame excuse. The class laughed. "Please have a seat" the teacher instructed him. He sat with his friends on the other side of the room, but we were still facing each other -_-.

The teacher just let us do free sketches for the first lesson. I just drew whatever came to mind and so did Lami.

"wow Miso, that is so awesome" Lami said as she pointed to my random scribbles. I hid my work from her and told her to be quiet.

"What do we have here?" The teacher came over and looked at my work, "Wow that is good" she said as she picked up my work. I just stared at the ground.

"Everyone look at Miso's good work" She said as she was holding it up and turning it so the class cold see it.

" Nice work Miso" my friend Yeri called from the other side of the classroom. I just smiled.

I glanced up a little and saw Sehun, he was looking at my art, I saw him smile before going back to his work, I smiled to my self as the teacher gave me back my work.

The bell rang and the class packed their bags and headed to their next class.

"See you at lunch" Lami and I waved as we went our separate ways.

While I was walking I felt my wrist get tugged back and I was forced against a wall. My eyes were closed shut.

"B-bwo" I stuttered as I stared shaking.

"Calm down, it's just me" I heard a familiar voice say, I still couldn't tell who it was though, the voice was so deep. Slowly I opened my eyes and I was able to recognise the face straight away.

"Yah!, you could've been less scary and forceful, oh my gosh, I thought I was gonna die" I said as I was constantly hitting Sehun's shoulder.

He just laughed, "Sorry, it been a while, I just wanted to say, hi I guess?" he randomly said.

"Um, Hi?" I awkwardly replied, still confused as to what he's doing.

" I just haven't seen you in ages, I honestly didn't recognise you in art before" he explained.

"Okay" I shortly replied, seems legit.

I began to walk to science and he walked beside me, I looked at him weirdly, he must be ditching his next class. "I gotta go" I said as I entered my science class and sat next to Hina.

"Class you will have to complete an assignment based on the knowledge and things you've learnt during this topic, in groups of 4" Our teacher explained, what the heck, it hasn't even been a week into school.

"If you don't know the answer, just search it up" She continued, making the class feel better. We all stood up and chose our group, Hina and I were stuck to each other as we looked for a partner.

Soon there was just Hina and I, and one other person.

"Miss there's not enough people" I told her.

"Just go in a three"She told us, I looked up and my eyes met with Mingyu's, why.

We sat together, Mingyu was on his phone while Hina and I were discussing what to do. I got annoyed and looked at him. I forgot he hates doing work, especially in a group.

"Can you please do some work?" I asked him, he got up and looked at me.

"What?" he replied.

"Research this" I said, giving him some questions.

He looked at them but didn't do anything with them. " If you don't do it today, then you do it for homework" I commanded and he sighed.

"Fine" he said an I was satisfied with his answer.

He better research those questions.


My last class was English, I was so tired, but I just hurried along with Herin.

"Good afternoon class, just carry on with the work you done yesterday" our teacher said as she sat back down. I couldn't bother to work, so I just leaned back and talked to Herin.

While I was talking to her I felt the presence of someone else. I turned and saw Jaehyun standing in front of my desk.

"Are you coming to dinner?" He asked me with a smile.

I forgot he had dimples

"Yep, I'll be there" I replied while smiling. I didn't thin it was possible, but he smiled even wider and walked back to his seat.

"Whats for dinner?" Herin asked me with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes at her, "Our families just want to catch up" I quickly said to her. "Oh yes" She then replied with a bigger smile, causing he dimples to become deeper. I gave up on trying with her.

I didn't notice Jaehyun smiling as he could hear our conversation.


"They'll be here any moment so hurry up" My mum called me from downstairs. I sighed and walked down the stairs while I was on my phone. I sat down at the table next to my mum and dad.

"Hi dad" I greeted since I haven't seen him in a while.

"Can you please get of your phone and wear something more presentable?" My mum then asked me. I felt bad and I went up to my room and got changed and left my phone in my room.

I came back down and Jaehyun and his family had already arrived. As I got down I greeted his parents and him and we all started having dinner.

"So Miso, hows school" Jaehyun's mum asked me. I tilted my head a bit, "not bad" I shortly replied.

"Jaehyun's loving it, he even met new people" His mum excitingly told me. "Mum, stop please" Jaehyun told her and we all laughed.

"Who'd you meet?" I asked Jaehyun, while stuffing a spoonful of rice in my mouth.

"Mm, I met these guys the other day, you know Park Chanyeol? Oh Sehun?" He told me. I nodded in reply.

How did he meet Sehun?

I soon shook off the thought and kept eating.

After we finished eating dinner we all packed up and our parents were talking. Jaehyun and I were in the living room.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

I want to play video games, please want play video games as well.

"Well, I saw a Basketball court down the road, and it has lights, we could go shoot some hoops if you want?" He offered to take me.

Damn it

Basketball is my favourite sport, and so was Jaehyun's. I wanted to be nice, but I really cant bother to move.


c) Stay home and play video games.
[Choose Chapter 4:C]

d) Go play Basketball with Jaehyun
[Choose Chapter 4:D]


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