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Yoongi's point of view

I entered the school grounds and instantly I felt everyone's eyes towards me. Jesus, I hated this kind of attention. As I was walking, suddenly three lower leveled  girls came up to me, one of them was holding a small box that was neatly wrapped with a ribbon.

" Pl-Please accept this gift! " She bowed her head down, presenting the small box to me.

I took the small box, she raised her head up, our eyes locked with each other. Her cheeks started to burn with strawberry- red like kind of shade as she realized that I took her gift.

" Thanks " I gave her a smile and she instantly hugged me

" O-Oh I am sorry! I just got over-excited " She stopped hugging me and jumped back

I excused myself " I have to go " and they gladly accepted it.

I walked to the high school building and as a graduating student it's a bit stressful to think about what to do once I graduate or what course should I be taking, but eh it's just a load of bullshit for me.

As i continued to walk around the building, clearing things up my head, I proceeded to open the box that was actually a box of chocolates that was tied to a letter.

What are we? Freshmens? Love letters are so old.

I took off the lid of the chocolates and took a square shaped one that had a design of a heart on the middle. I popped the whole thing onto my mouth and almost immediately spat the wretched thing out.

" This tastes horrible!"  I wiped my mouth off from it

I walked around trying to find a trash can and was prepared to throw it away.

Aha! There's one!  

I took the letters and planned to read it later at my spare time. As my hand held the box and was on top of the trash can, a voice stopped me from throwing it away.

" Hey! Why the heck are you throwing that away!" I looked over to my left to see Jimin's face all scrunched up with annoyance.

" Uhm, it's just trash?" I lied, well it isn't really lying when the fucking chocolates tasted like shit, right?

He jogged over to me and placed one of his hand on his hips and one of his arms outreached, his hands in a position of pointing at me in an accusatory manner.  " I saw you got that from a girl who was from the lower year "

I crossed my arms, still holding the box on my other hand. " So?"

" That's a bit cruel to just throw away something they put an effort on you know? "

My eyes started to twitch, he's such a sore in the ass for god's sakes if it weren't for that fucking dare, I would've beaten the shit out of him.

I put on a fake smirk and swiftly moved to his ear " Or maybe you're just jealous "

He took a step back, his face flustered.

" Uhm excuse me, why would I like someone like you?"

I tucked the box of chocolates in the pocket of my jacket along with the letters.

I frowned, a bit hurt from his words and placed my face in front of his, our lips were inches apart. " How could you say that after that make out session we had last night? "

" Hey! We never kissed, you know that!" His eyebrows furrowed as his face was red

He looks like a tomato, this is so worth it

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