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I am the Son

Prologue: Gift of a Titan

            In the clouds high above the land, that would one day come to be known as Imorta, lived the Titan God Thanatos and with him is sisters Kateleina, Naiva, and brother Eros. Kateleina flourished the lands with bright vibrant natural life coming in all shapes and sizes this was a reflection of her. Naiva gave water to the natural life her sister had created so that all could grow and prosper. Eros gave bright light and energy in both a sun and moon so that the natural life his sister Kateleina created could receive nutrients to grow tall and so that the water his sister Naiva created would become weapon of self defense in the form of tidal waves.

            However, one creation was still not accounted for..and it was this creation that would be cursed to end the world it inhabited. Thanatos, the Titan god of war and destruction created man. His siblings warned him that humanity could never give to the land as their creations did, but that never phased him. It was not long before wars broke out amongst the race of man and the nature that Kateleina created was reduced to ashes, the water Naiva created tainted and toxic and the sun Eros gave blocked out by smoke. Two factions arouse from this chaos, the Valkur and the Talos, the Valkur were made of brutes and barbaric warriors determined to live everyday as they believed Thanatos would. They burned down villages, murdered women and children and stole all they could from their rival faction, the Talos.

            In a desperate attempt to find defense for his people, Oldin leader of the Talos, prayed as hard as he could to Thanatos and it was then that his god appeared before him. His shadow lying over the mortal like a blanket, Trees shaking in his presence, chunks of the stones that made up his figure dropping off of him as he fixed his dark yellow eyes on the man.   "What is it you wish to ask of me, my son?" Thanatos said, as his voice boomed across the brown barren fields of grass, standing several stories high above the man.   "We ask of your help, father. The Valkur have destroyed our villages, taken our women  what they haven't taken like thieves, they have like gods." replied the warrior.   

"You seem desperate.." the titan said as a dark smile crept upon his face. Thanatos was fond of favors he knew they could always find their ways back to him tenfold.

"Very well. I will aid you." said Thanatos, turning his back to Oldin as he sensed someone's presence. A faint sound of dry grass being crushed underneath a boot crept through the fields.   "Come out Maddock. You slithering fool! You dare attempt to hide from your God?! Ha! I know how you think, what you think, and why you think it. The capabilities of your mind are but a fraction of my own!" Thanatos yelled, His eyes glowing a deep red as he screamed, trees trembling in his wake.

             A large brute with scraggly raven hair stepped out from behind a tree trunk, his beard thick and filthy with stains of both his kills and his meals.   "Oldin is lying to you, milord. He wishes to deceive you in hopes of convincing you to rid the lands of The Valkur. It is HIS men who are ruthless raping women and burning down homes! Barbarians the lot of them!" Maddock said unsheathing his sword. Thanatos grew impatient with the two of them as they began to bicker over who was being honest and who was attempting to deceive. Especially because he already knew who the liar was, Maddock, hoping that by lying to Thanatos he would grant his people help from the god as well.   "Very well! I will help you both!!" Thanatos yelled, flames glowing deep in his chest as his anger grew. The two men became still and silent.   "How will you help us?" Oldin asked hesitantly. Thanatos reached to his back grabbing two large rocks from his body, gripping them in his hands as he squeezed them together until the fused making one boulder, he then pushed it into his chest, the flame in him forging two large blades.   "Veritas...for Oldin...of Talos..and Dolus...for Maddock...of Valkur. So long as one from each faction posses one of these twin may never defeat the other. You will live in peace..or spend the rest of your days in an endless war, honestly I don't care either way. A child of Valkur can never touch the blade of Veritas and the same goes for a child of Talos." preached the Titan. And so it was, Veritas the blade of truth belonged to whoever is worthy of it so long as they have the blood of Talos and the same was for Dolus, the blade of deceit.

Centuries after the Titan God, Thanatos, gave his gifts to man. The two factions fell but rose again as the Three Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Ashgar, The Kingdom of Seldom and The Kingdom of Mendalia. Each equal in power to keep the other two in place.

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