The Garage

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Gasping in shock and horror, Shadow quickly found the exit from the garage rusted and superglued shut. Even the lever was gone, snapped with supernatural strength.

All around him were the sad, mutilated corpses of several once cute and fluffy animals. He wasn't too bothered by them- until he got a closer look at the pink collar on a dog nearby.

He could no longer read what was on it, but he recognised it- this was Red's pet dog... the one the boy had claimed died of eating something funny. However, the corpse looked more like someone had first squeezed it to death then broke all its bones for good measure.

Shadow felt cold when he realised the other fluffy animals were the ones the dog used to play with.

...Surely Red hadn't killed them..?

The car, which took up most of the garage, looked old and unused as well. Shadow's curiosity got the best of him and he -instinctively- pushed down the handle of the car door.

"Hello. If you're listening to this then I you're the next of Red's... victims. Escaping will not be easy- you'll need to find all three pieces of Red's beloved astronomy set- and put them where they belong. I... I can't take this anymore. This twisted game of his. I hope you will have had better luck than myself. Goodbye, stranger."

That voice... Where had he heard it before? That boy sounded like he'd been about to kill himself... What had Red done? And... why... ..?

"Hee hee... You're running out of time, dear Shadow..."

At the sound of Red's chilling voice he ran towards the next doorway he saw, knowing but not really hoping that there could be a way out that way...

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