The Bedroom

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Shadow, having brought the Star Globe Lamp all the way up the stairs, stopped for a short rest at the top of them. Here was the bedroom where it had all begun... perhaps more times than he knew.

The recorded message haunted his thoughts once more.

"Escaping will not be easy- you will be needing to find all three pieces of Red's beloved astronomy set- and put them where they belong."

Who had said that? Why had Red even gone to the trouble of setting all of this up in the first place? He shook himself out of those thoughts.

He didn't even know if Vio would even be at the window, or how long ago that note had been stuck to the nursery door. But he could at least try to get there.

Getting up and picking up the globe once more, he was just about to leave through the small side-corridor to the attic when he was suddenly hit with flashes of memory... of his own narrative thoughts...

I'm almost there... but... no-

Think... where would Red keep a diary? Wait... here-

But there's no safe place to-


That last one snapped Shadow out of the impromptu stream of thoughts. After each thought he had seen himself caught by Red...

What had he found out that last thought? It seemed as if it was intended for himself to remember. As if he had known he was about to lose his memory once more.

His eyes wandered to a small plush dinosaur in a shadowy corner of the room. Unlike most of the others in here, it was almost intact.

After putting the globe down again, he took a closer look at the plush toy. It was sitting on a tiny, loose trapdoor, leaning against the corner.

A strong instinct was telling Shadow not to move the toy yet but to take a closer look at it. He followed the instinct and narrowed his eyes at the cuddly toy. He saw that it was leaning against a pressure plate of some sort, that if he were to move it the wrong way... maybe something bad would happen.

Shadow carefully lifted the toy while still pressing it against the pressure plate, using his other hand to open the trap door, remove a pink notebook and close the door again.

Once he had carefully place the toy back down, he opened the notebook and flicked through a few pages. There was no way he could risk just sitting here and reading the whole thing now. He put it in his trouser pocket and picked the globe up again, continuing his journey to The Broken Window.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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