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(Levi POV)

        After Karushu saw Naruto she said she had to go visit Tsunade for the first time since she's been back. I really missed her. "SIS!" Naruto said as he busted into my room. "Yeah?" I asked smiling at him. I'm a pretty happy person if you don't get on my bad side. That's why I'm a ninja. Ever since I've known Karushu she's called me scary when I get mad. So no one really tries to get on my bad side.

         "It's Gai! He says get ready for a mission!" He said as he grabbed my weapon holster and handed it to me. "How long will you be gone... You just got back from a different mission two days ago..." He said sadly. "I'm sorry kiddo... I'll be back within a two day period! BELIEVE IT!" I said as we high fived. "Why do you need to go on missions so much!?" "Because Naruto! We're broke! We need the money!" I said as I put my hair up. "NOW BYE!" I said exiting the house and slamming the door. "Oh I hate being loud with him!" I said as I felt someone hug me. "HELLO YOUTH!" Gai said as he hugged me tightly then put me down. "Let's go!" He said as we both ran off.

        "So what's the mission?" I asked.
"Well... This guy's dangerous. He rapes women and uses them as slaves. You need to be careful. That's why Tsunade sent me with you." "Look Gai... I can fend for myself you know that!" I said. As soon as I said that a Kuni rushed past my face into the brush. We stood still both on alert now. "Well WELL!! Looks like you brought a hottie with ya!" A guy said as he stepped out of the brush holding the thrown Kuni while smirking. The sky stood still. Everything at that point was still except for me and Gai's beating hearts filled with adrenaline.

       "Hey! That hottie can't be YOURS can she? Well... Even if she is with YOU and your ugly assface. She's mine now..." He said as he started to run towards Gai. "Did you forget about me!" I said smiling and cloths lining him making him flip right over my arm. "Haha! And people call you dangerous! I EAT NINJAS LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!" I said laughing.

     "Oh sweetheart.... I really hope so..." He whispered as he grabbed my hair and pulled me down pinning me under his weight. Suddenly Gai came over and pulled him off. They were fighting... And then BAM! I heard the guy say something that set me off. "I SWEAR! YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID ITS RETARDED! YOU STUPID DICK HEAD!" When he said that it set me off and I tackled him mid fight. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I said as I started to practically beat him to death. "I LOVE FEISTY ONES LIKE YOU!" He yelled, getting right back up and pushing me against a tree choking me.

        "Leave her alone!" Gai said getting up and trying to kick him in the head. He dodged Gai's kick, grabbed his foot and threw him. Gai landed up against a tree, but that still didn't stop him. Gai got right back up and attacked again and again. At this point I was on and off from blacking out. He was still choking me and I was still trying to get out of his grasp. "Bitch! Hold still!" He said as he tried punching my head. I moved my head and grabbed his hand biting his wrist.

       He screamed, letting go of me and dropping me. "Uh oh..." I heard Gai say as he backed up a little. I looked up at the enemy ninja and frowned. "I thought you were strong..." I said as I smiled like the Cheshire cat and ran towards him. "Sadly I was wrong!" I said appearing behind him. "Cause I wanted a challenge!" I said as I slit his throat with a Kuni. "Sad... Just sad..." I said still smiling. "Hm... That was less youthful than usual!" Gai said getting a match and setting the body on fire. "I wanna get home as soon as possible.... I haven't had a drink in... What? Three weeks." I said as I walked away and left Gai to the body. 

Levi Uzumaki Where stories live. Discover now