Blood of innocence Preview

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sorry... I'm a little shit, oml I thought I published this but is said draft.... well shit

NO POV ____________________

Poor young girl, angelic, fragile, and yet she attracted a demon. She was Dragged miles away from her friends, family, and all living things, resistance was useless when there is a gun to your head. It's seems like she has been here for years, but she has no way of knowing because Yoosung had her tied to down to the bed, blindfolded and gagged, with no way to escape the hell she fell into.

Yoosung grows impatient, she hated him so much that she refuses to eat, sleep, heck she always cries when there in the same room. Such a shame, she reminded him of Rika, fragile, stubborn, and some times irritating. Rika wasn't this stubborn though, but I guess this is a whole other situation. Talking didn't seem to do any good, but maybe he could win her over a different way. After baking his head against the wall he came up with an interesting idea. If she's pregnant, she won't leave him because it's his baby too. Yoosung loved the idea of starting a family with (y/n), the child be either Riko or Rika. 'Perfect' he thought grabbing some thing before planning how he should approach this, but there is one big (ass) question in the (damn) way, was she a virgin or did some filthy bastard rip her open and deflower her. Yoosung panicked a the thought of his most precious being raped by another's filthy garbage. Well soon he will find out, and if she has been deflowered, guess he needs make a bigger mark then that other tiny bastard.

Making his to the room he opens the door softly "Hello, my love, did you miss me?" Yoosung only received a muffled whimper from the young female, he chuckled as he approached her. He stood at the side of the the bed and glided his hand over her clothed stomach making (y/n) stiffen in surprise, she then began to shake vigorously as he lifted her shirt just above her breasts. "Life is truly magically" his hand massaged her lower stomach where her uterus is " To think that soon a new life with be in here" (y/n) froze as he continued to talk. She didn't want this she didn't want him to be her first. Yoosung walked away from the bed.

(Y\N)'S POV __________________

He left, but I can still hear the creaking of his foot steps against the floor. This can't be happening I don't belong to him, I can't do this, I-
My thoughts were cut off by his return I felt the ropes around my ankles loosen, so I tried to kick him, but yelped when a whip like object slashed my toes. "Bad girl, do you really want to be punished?" Yoosung said, I shook my head and tried to yell at him, but it only came out as a muffled noise do to the gag. Did he just freaking chuckle at me, son of a*slash* *whimpers and muffled cry* " do want to say something?" I was in pain and didn't give any kind of response *slash* "ANSWER ME!!" I nodded vigorously sniffling, I second leader and the blind fold was removed, but what about the god damn gag? He looked at me with those sweet yet deceiving eyes that hid the demons from hell. He then reached around my head and unhooked the gag, he pulled it off slowly starring at the saliva that hung from the gag, Yoosung brought it to his mouth and licked up all the wet on the object while keeping eye contact with me ( ewww). Once satisfied set it on the nightstand while I pulled on the ropes attached to my arms "Bad girl." He picked up the whip and slashed my hands.

Yandere!YoosungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora