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Tbh guys i havent up dated in a week or 2 (sorry) but because of that i actually had to go back and read me own story because i forgot what i made happen 😂😂 but yeah i remember now so im updatin now

Stampys POV

Squid came back down lookin very ashamed with himself, mate what did ya do? I asked. I tried to lay sqaishey down gentely but made her feel 10 times worse. And with that squid lay down on the couch and texted amy and nicole on wattsapp sorry if i spelt dat wrong 10 times worse about what?!?!?

Sqaisheys POV

I need to tell stamps but how i dont wanna just go down stairs and be like im pregnant but its not your kid i cant do that! But squid is right mabey i should get a blood test on Cora just im case she isnt stamps kid either unlikely but not impossible ya know what ill just wait untill the baby is born and never say anythin to him if he gets concerns then ill tell him the truth NO NO NO NO!!!! SQAISHEY DONT BE INSANE!! u cant do that, thats it im gonna take stampy out for a walk at sunset and tell him the truth their but right now im gonna take Cora for a walk and the doctors to get a blood test

10 mins later

Doctors POV

Ok hello bethany i presume yes and this is cora if u remember her of course i do hello cora ello cora said Coras nearly 1 in this btw 😂
Just sit nice for the doctor sweetheart  ok ma ma so why did u start havin doubts i asked beth that kid definetely has a little flash of joseph in her curly blonde thats joe yeah but logan was curly blondy brown and i think cora is more brown than londe sooo thats when i started havin doubts but then again it could just be a mix of mine and josephs hair i really dont know, so what do u think is the most likely that Cora is i asked beth, well....... stampy! Probably, well hopefully, well can u hold Cora still 1 min while i get a bit of blood from her ok come here Cora beth said Cora then came toddling along come here baby i then put on a bubble mixture behind for her to look at while i take some blood mu ma bubbbless i know thats not how u spell it i was tryin to make it cute

Sqaisheys POV

Im sooooo nervous what if Cora isnt stampys i mean the doctors right u can see a bit of stampy in their but i can also see a bit of Logan
Sorry if i have accidentely put alex or alyx as logan anywhere i need to stop reading other peoples sqampy fanfics 😂💛

After the doctor took Coras blood he went over to the incubater and put in the blood and then he printed out a sheet and gave it to me i put Cora on the floor and gave her bubbles her fav blue teddie who she was now covering in goo in inhailed and exhailed amd them that was that i looked inside and relife filled me right to the bone shes STAMPYS i said aloud u dont need to have any doubts about that being his kid beth anything else u want the doctor said oww yes a pregnancy test and a blood test for that plz because i think im pregnant ok he said as he injected me.....

Time skip

The test said that im pregnant with a baby GIRL AGAIN  but this time the baby is LOGANS!!

DUN DUN DUUUUNNN SORRY sorry i just had to so another girl but its logans gimme names what to call the new girl and i have a really cute stampy reaction im gonna do the next chap will be up today or tomorrow if not dont worry

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