Chapter Four - Fight

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Benson led me further and further through the halls eventually reaching a set of stairs. Our climb led us to the next floor. From here we took two right turns, a left, a center corridor a small flight of stairs and through several more turns, passing a gorgeous garden out on a massive terrace above the ocean.

The scent of the ocean made me pause, inhaling the soothing scent. Mmmmm, almost home. The voice murmured. I nodded in agreement. Benson seemed to notice my interest.

"The terrace is, of course, open for your use warrior."

I smiled.

"Thank you. It does remind me of home." The voice said for me.

Benson quirked a brow in curiosity as we continued. The voice overtook me, my body shivered slightly.

"My village is located in a forest, but if you know where to look there are caves with pools of salt water," as the voice spoke, images flew through my mind, "the walls are lit with these tiny green plants. Once you go in farther, flowers line the walls lit in colors beyond belief."

"That sounds wonderful." Came a voice from ahead. Benson and I stopped. It was the princess, smiling softly. Benson snapped into a salute.

"My apologies my lady, I did not notice your presence." He said, worry caressing his tone.

"It's alright Benjamin, no harm has been done. I'm just off to the terrace. I'm sorry about the unexpected turn of events warrior, but I hope you enjoy your stay." She said before slipping past us down the hall to the terrace. We continued walking through two more turns before either one of us spoke

"Just one more turn warrior." Benjamin Benson said gruffly, leading me to a final turn. The door lay at the end of the long hallway. Benjamin gave me a sharp salute after opening the door.

"Do not hesitate to call if you require anything sir." He said. I nodded and he relaxed. I stuck my hand out to shake. Benjamin looked surprised. He reached out hesitantly before shaking my hand.

"Thank you Mr. Benson. I do appreciate your help." No he looked bashful, figeting slightly.

"Just Benson sir, or Benjamin if you'd like." I smiled.

"Well then Benjamin, I look forward to seeing you around. Send my regards to Lord Darrin if you will." I replied. He gave a smile, sharp nod, and marched briskly down the long cooridoor before turning back the way he came.

The front room reminded me of a common room from Harry Potter. The floor was made of stone, but a fireplace lay to my right, a portrait of the royal family above it. 

Against the left wall, a table and two comfy looking chairs were set up with what looked like chess on top. A long couch sat across from the fireplace, coffee table in front, book stands on either end. The walls along the door side were covered in tapestry of what I assumed to be the royal crest. A thick rug covered most of the stone giving the room a cozier feel. Another door stood across from me and and an entryway in the back left corner as well. I headed to the entry.

A large four poster bed with sat in the large open room. A dresser lay across from the bed. A mannequin looking thing stood next to a thick dark dresser. A chest slumbered quietly at the foot of the bed, a night table beneath unlighted torches on either side of my bed.

Another entry nestled itself in the middle of the wall to my right, I could see a bath from where I stood. Next to that door, a table and chair stood ready. And inkwell and paper sat neatly. I sighed and strode to the chest at the foot of my bed. I placed my bow and quiver down gently, unwilling to risk harm to them. My bags I hung in the wardrobe, next to several clean white sets of jerkins and tunics. I stretched my muscles, feeling them loosen even so slightly. I decided a real stretch was in order. A happy body is a stretched body. The voice chuckled in my ear. I rolled my eyes, glancing around the room. As rich and decorative as it was I wanted to feel fresh air. Striding through my room I noticed a door opposite the entrance to my bedroom. I should explore once I get back. I thought.

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