Chapter Seven - In Which We Meet The Steed

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I haven't really said anything yet, but comments or votes would be appreciated. Though I'm thoroughly tempted not to ask (no one likes constructive criticism), hit me with it.

Kajrah and Elise woke to the sounds of snuffling. One of them leapt up instantaneously, the other threw a pillow in the direction of the sound.

A barking snort greeted Elise.

"Sheeera!" Elise moaned into her pillow, "We can't all be wolves. Go back to sleep." Shera ignored her and leapt directly onto the bed and nestled comfortably on top of the princess.

Elise cursed herself for whining at Shera, it only meant Shera would be deliberately irritating. Elise was convinced Shera knew exactly what occurred around her. Shera had more intelligence and awareness than some of Elise's human advisors.

Shera nudged Elise who squealed at Shera's cold nose.

"Okay, okay, getting up now." Elise said, pushing herself up from the bed. Shera didn't move and Elise fell back down.

"This only works if you get OFF Shera." Elise grumbled. Shera gave snort, licked her ear, and leapt off the bed. Elise glared at her companion as she sat up. In a few short moments she picked out her clothes for the day and headed towards her mirror. Shera shadowed her every step of the way.

"No one is in my room girl. I'll be okay." She said, slightly exasperated, placing her clothes on her boudoir. Shera gave a low whine and Elise's grew apologetic. She reached down and gently rubbed behind Shera's jaw.

"I'm sorry girl. Thank you for your help yesterday. I bet you enjoyed taking a bite out of him didn't you?" She asked with a widening smile, "Yes you did! Yes you did! Who took a chuck out of Lord loser? You did! Yes you did! Such a good gi-" A chime cut Elise off. Shera gave a disgruntled huff as Elise had been giving her a much deserved belly rub.

"Coming!" Elise shouted, grabbing her robe and darting through her rooms to her front door. Shera ran ahead and was sitting at the door, patiently waiting for her owner. Elise tied her robe and pulled the door open, peering around it. Her curious expression changed into a smile.

"Anna!" Elise exclaimed, "what brings you to my door at this hour?" She pulled the door open to allow her Lady-in-waiting through.

"My Lady, please, Lady Aortha will be fine." Anna said with a smile.

"I'm a princess Anna, I can call you by your given name you know. What brings you out to this part of the castle. I usually have to drag you over here." Elise said with a smile, following her friend to the comfy couches in front of the unlit fireplace.

"Really? An interrogation 'Lise I haven't seen you in almost a month and you ask me why I come to see you?" Anna asked with a laugh.

"Well it's what? Five? You don't normally get up until six. So excuse me for wondering what my best friend happens to be doing up and dressed at this hour." Elise responded with a laugh.

"Well, unfortunately for you, it's ten in the morning sleepyhead. I have heaps to tell you. Additionally as your Lady-in-Waiting, I have to get you ready for today." Anna said, glancing down at Elise's attire.

"What?! Ten in the morning?! Shera! Why didn't you wake me?" Elise exclaimed, leaping to her feet and striding back to her room, Shera and Lady Aortha on her heels. Shera let out a snort of irritation, nipping at Elise's ankles. Elise turned around as she reached her door, glaring at Shera. Lady Aortha was trying to hide behind a smile.

"It's only seven My Lady, I was joking, or have you lost your sense of humor? I've just taken to getting up earlier due to your absence I might add."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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