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Faith’s P.O.V.

I awoke to Vic Feunte’s voice blaring out of the speakers of my iPhone. Tip of advice; if you ever want to wake up instantly, make sure your alarm is The Boy Who Could Fly by Pierce the Veil. You might wake up with a heart attack, but it definitely wakes you up! I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm.

5:15 AM. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Luke and I had to be at the airport at 6. Our plane leaves at 6:50. I slowly crawled out of bed and over to my closet. I threw on my over-sized Vans crewneck and solid black leggings. I slipped on my black toms and put my hair up in a messy bun. I put on my black square framed glasses and threw all of my make up and other necessities in my suitcase. I knew I wouldn’t need any of that stuff for the plane. I did a double check on everything and zipped it all up.

I rolled my four suitcases out to the main room of the apartment and noticed it was quiet. Too quiet. I checked my phone and saw it was 5:30. Luke had overslept, again. I opened his door and jumped on his mattress.

"Get up, lazy! We’re going to North America!" I shouted as I jumped. I heard him groan and cover his face with his pillow. I sat down next to him and took the pillow. "Listen! We have exactly thirty minutes to get our asses to the airport. Now get your little, skinny, white boy ass up and get ready!"

"I am ready." He mumbled into the bed.

"Then let’s go!" I got off the bed and pulled him out of bed. He was still shirtless and in his boxers. I rolled my eyes since he said he was ‘ready.’ I went into his closet and grabbed him a pair of Adidas warm up pants, a white T-Shirt, and a black jacket. I threw them at him and grabbed his black van"s. "Get dressed and meet me at the car." He nodded and I walked out.

I grabbed my bags and went to the elevator that lead down to the main lobby of the apartment complex. When I made it on the main floor, I noticed that the lobby guy was asleep with his head resting on his hand. I giggled to myself and made my way outside. I unlocked the black SUV and opened the trunk. I piled my suitcases inside, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to see Luke.

"Jesus christ, Luke. You know I get scared really easily." He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know. I just love fucking with you." He said still laughing. I laughed into his chest and let go of him. I saw he had two bags and I went to grab them for him. "I got it." He said. I stepped back and he smiled. He stepped towards me and kissed the top of my head. "You always try to help other people."

"I know. I just like helping others." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled and put his bags in the trunk.

"Okay let’s get to the airport."


"Faith!" Ashton shouted as he came over and hugged me. He picked me up and spun me in a circle. Ashton just got back from Australia, so we haven’t seen each other in almost two months. Ashton was my other best friend. He joined the band after Luke, Michael, and Calum made it. I wish he was there from the beginning because we would have been even better friends than we already are.

"I missed you so much, Ashton!" I muttered into his chest. He laughed and set me down.

"Are those my glasses?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. "I thought I lost those!" I laughed and grabbed my bags. Ashton grabbed two of them and carried them over to the check in area with me. I turned around to see where Luke was. He was talking to Calum and Michael. As bad as this sounds, I always wished that mine and Ashton’s relationship made Luke jealous. Ashton would always flirt with me and say how beautiful I was. I can tell that he likes me. I wish I liked him back, but I’m so in love with Luke it’s hard to.

Luke’s P.O.V.

I saw Faith run into Ashton’s arms. I felt this spark of jealousy ignite inside me. Whenever I see Ashton and Faith together, I get so pissed. Faith is my best friend, not his. I love Ashton, but he always flirts with Faith in front of me. It doesn’t help that I like Faith.

Yes, that’s right, I like Faith. I have for almost a year now. It started the day I found out the boys and I were leaving for the UK. The thought of leaving Faith was almost heartbreaking. I’ve grown up with this girl, I couldn’t just leave her. So I asked her to come with us. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

"Glaring, much?" Calum said to me. I didn’t notice I was glaring at Ashton and Faith until Calum said something.

"Is it that noticeable?" I asked Calum.

"Oh yeah." Michael and Calum said at the same time. I cursed under my breath and Calum patted me on the back.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Faith likes you back?" Calum asked.

I scoffed. “Like she would ever like me. I’m stuck in the friendzone.” I said.

"Mate, you sound like you're quoting our song." Michael said. I laughed and smiled. Michael was talking about our song Heartbreak Girl, which I wrote for Faith. She’s dated a lot of assholes in the past and would always come to me. Her most recent boyfriend was this dick, James. He was another prissy rich boy. He only wanted Faith for sex so she broke up with him. But of course, she was upset about it. I had to spend that night with her watching chick flicks. Normally I would hate it, but it was to make Faith better. I’m pretty sure I would do anything to make her happy.

If only she knew how I felt.

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