Zillia Martinez

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Zillia- me  
Zill and Kayla- Vivziepop

Name: Zillia Kay Martinez
Abilities: Powers, can fly
Species: Chimera/dragon hybrid
Nickname(s): Z
Age: 17
Parents: Kayla, Zill Martinez
Likes: Roller skating, swimming, flying, sleeping, spicy foods, music 
Voice:  Judy hoops from Zootopia

Personality: Sporty, tomboy, kindhearted, protective, tends to make rash decisions when loved ones are in danger.

General bio:
Growing up with two loving parents, Zillia was made into the sweet girl that the teachers of ZPA know today. Due to her appearance she was picked on a lot, like her farther she played it old and tried to act as if it didn't bother her, they would call her 'freak' and 'mutant ' the only thing that would really make her mad was if someone was to call her 'monster'. Due to this Zillia got into a few fights when she was younger, but now days she's much more in control of her emotions and her abililties. To help her cope with her worries Zillia attends a species acceptance club held outside of school 

Zillia is a very talented actress, if she had the motivation and courage to be one. She much rather prefers to help back stage then up in the spotlight, the actual reason why she doesn't like the stage is because she secretly has stage fright. Zillia despite not sharing the same love for acting as her parents is a very creative spirit, she likes to listen to music and often assists in prop making for proformances at Zoo Pheonix Academy 


Farther: Zill
Type of parent: overprotective farther
Occupation: Police officer

Zill has a few small scars on his arms and face and he wears his wedding ring, other then that he looks the same, but will wear his uniform when working

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Zill has a few small scars on his arms and face and he wears his wedding ring, other then that he looks the same, but will wear his uniform when working.

Zillia loves her dad!! The two like to rough house, even though Kayla has tried many times to persuade them to play outside. When they play it's quite.....vicious. They play like beasts, they bite, snarl, shoot green fire, scratch, growl, break stuff and knock over furniture. Zillia, also like her dad, is quite the party animal and enjoys having a fun time, she likes to dance to music at parties. Zill sees a lot of himself in Zillia, but he still advices her to be careful

Mother: Kayla
Type of parent: caring, worrying parent
Occupation: drama/music teacher

She is still the same loveable kangaroo we all know and love, she sometimes has to wear red glasses for when she is reading music or a script, and she wears her wedding ring

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She is still the same loveable kangaroo we all know and love, she sometimes has to wear red glasses for when she is reading music or a script, and she wears her wedding ring.

After their marriage and graduation Kayla went straight into getting a job at the school she went to, wanting to teach kids like her the beauty of music and acting. She eventually got the job and loved it straight away, and the students loves her back. Zillia and her get along well, they both care deeply for the ones they care for and try to settle things with reason before fighting.

Zillia is very protective of her bro, she loves everything about him and was over the moon when he said 'sis' for the first time. The two have a strong relationship and they often play fight together. When they aren't doing that they are practicing their flying and their powers with their farther.

Zillia's closest friends are Brook and Yoyo, the three often hang out a lot due to how close there parents were when they were younger. They have become very familiar as the brilliant trio with the students and teachers.

Zillia is a part of the Zoo Pheonix Academy drama club, she participates in being the hands back stage and occasionally helping with the band, due to this she has a few close friends in the club. Herself and Maggie surpsingly get along quite well despite their differing personalities, the two like to dance together while listneing to music, and Zillia - due to Maggie - has become quite fond of jazz


-Besides English, Zillia can also speak Spanish, French, German and slight Portuguese, all badly. She is very very gifted with magical powers, much more powerful then any other average teenager or shapeshifter, however she isn't as experienced as her farther and her spells sometimes just blow up in her face.

-Zillia has what her parents call a 'slight fascination' with centipedes, whenever she sees one she will drop whatever she is doing to pounce, cuddle and play with it, she does have a beloved pet centipede named Ruby. She did have another one called Sam when she was younger but he was sadly killed when her mother accidentally sucked him up into the vacuum cleaner, to this day Zillia had no idea what happened to Sam's mysterious disappearance.

-Zillia will tend to pure or growl if you scratch her in a certain place (especially behind the wings, dang hard to scratch places)

-Like a cat Zillia is a good climber and her poor mother Kayla had to constantly call the fire department when she found her baby daughter innocently chasing butterflies on top of the roof of their house.

-Zillia's parents worried very much for their little daughter, with her being their first child they were naturally anxious. Kayla was contacting her parents much more for tips and advice to which they gladly gave her. However as well as being a 'unique' child, Zillia was also a very expensive child. She needed to have special clothes and furniture in her room so that she wouldn't incinerate the whole house and had to have a special pair of reins made with fabric weaves with special heat proof metal strings so that she couldn't escape her parents sight and even had to have a private doctor because she had very sharp teeth at a young age.

-As a child Zillia was very good at climbing up things, but not so much when it came to climbing down. Her farther had to rescue her a lot from trees and rooftops before she learnt how to fly.

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