Trich -Trichotillomania-

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It starts with a thought; I think about all I have done with my life, all the people I have met. Then I start thinking about all the trouble I have caused them and how I have hurt them, I think of all times they were in trouble and I didn’t do anything.

But you weren’t even there.

It doesn’t matter it’s my fault.

There was nothing you could do to help them.’

It doesn’t matter.

 A sick feeling enters my stomach and there is a tight pinch in my chest that makes it hard for me to breath.

The thoughts still run through my mind.

It’s all my fault, I’m useless.

I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Everything would be better if I was dead.

My chest becomes tighter and it gets harder for me to breath.

I wish I was dead.

I want to cry, I want to scream.

I wish I was dead.

I try to scream but the sound gets caught in my dry throat.

Everything would be better if I was dead.

My eyes prick with tears that won’t come.

I wish I was dead.

I reach up to my head with my hand; I want to stop but I can’t. There is an itch under my skin that I need to end. My fingers look for that perfect, thick, black hair.

I wish I was dead.

My fingers find that perfect hair.

I want to stop, but I can’t.

My wrist twitches and my hand pull out that hair. A wave of calm washes over me and the sick feeling ends.

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