1. Joseph x Fem!Reader - Unwanted Attention

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Terribly sorry it took so long to make this! I may make a continuation of it after I finish another request. I hope you'll enjoy!


It was mid-day in the small cul-de-sac, you recently moved here as a single woman, not yet finding an interest in anyone yet. You were currently in your room scrolling through your social media as you laid on your bed. You were wrapped up in your very comfortable blanket, recently washed. You laughed to yourself as you saw a random meme on your phone.

As you kept your phone 3 inches from your face, you heard a knock on your front door. You sighed and turned off your phone as you got out of bed, you quickly stepped into the bathroom and check to make sure you didn't look like complete trash, which to you, you looked fine. You headed to the door and sighed before opening it, seeing a quite bright and happy man on your doorstep.

"Ah, hello! I'm Joseph Christiansen, I've just come here to greet you into the cul-de-sac." The man said with a bright smile as he held up a platter of chocolate chip cookies.

You suddenly got surprised as you saw how friendly and nice he was as this was your meeting with each other. "Oh, thank you... I'm Y/n,". You said rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly, you weren't really expecting to make friends in the neighborhood, but you complied to the greeting because he brought cookies and you were starving.

"Of course, here take these. I make them for new neighbors around here." Joseph said with a bright smile as he handed the plate of cookies to you. You grabbed the plate gently and smiled at him, trying to seem normal-ish and not an introvert.

"Thank you, you're very kind." You said with truth. The plate was kinda getting hot to your hands so you hoped he was planning on leaving soon.

"Well, I'll let you enjoy the cookies. Have a nice day!" Joseph waved to you and walked across the street to his house. You closed the door and sat the plate down on the counter, the smell of the cookies invading your senses. You take a cookie and bite into it, surprisingly it was probably the best cookie you've tasted in your life.

You automatically smiled for some reason but brushed it off as you grabbed your phone from your room and laid on the couch as you enjoyed your cookies for the rest of the day.


You woke up the next day with a loud knocking on your door. You groaned, and ignored it and rolled over going back to sleep. Another loud knocking finally woke you up and got you out of bed, stretching and yawning. "Who is it?" You said as you approached the door.

"It's Joseph, from yesterday!" The man shouted from the other side of the door. You went into a semi-panic and struggled to find a brush and scrunchie. You quickly put "Just a second!" You said in a rushed tone as you opened the door.

"H-Hey... Wha-what are you doing here, so early?" You said with an awkward smile leaning against the doorway.

"Um, it's 11:45?" Joseph said with a short laugh and a smile as he clasped his hands together.

"O-oh, right." You said with a worried tone, your smile seeming more pushed by the second.

"Well, some of the neighbors and myself were about to head to lunch when I almost forgot about you, so I was wondering if you'd like to join us?" He said with a kind smile.

"O-oh, um. Sorry, I can't. I have a... A thing."

"O-oh, of course. My apologies. Sorry for disturbing you. Well, have a nice day anyway!" He said as he left, entering his car and driving off with a small wave.

You waved at him and shut the door with a sigh. 'Is this guy gonna bother me all the time?' you thought to yourself as you grabbed a cookie out of the pantry from yesterday. While it was a little annoying, you did like a little conversation now and then.


All throughout the week that neighbor Joseph has been bothering you, he brought more cookies, he invited you to lunch again, which you kindly declined, he even helped you unpack the rest of your boxes from moving. It seemed like he wanted to bother you.

Today you decided to wake up early to try and get a head start for the day, you didn't know exactly why you did but you just felt like you needed to. You woke up and turned off your alarm, and got out of bed slowly stretching your arms and yawning.

As you made your way to the kitchen you first stepped into the bathroom and turned on the bath water. You normally didn't take baths but today you needed to relax a bit. Afterward you headed to the kitchen and grabbed another cookie from the pantry, grabbed a paper towel and popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

As the beeping from the microwave interrupted your thinking you grabbed it out and took a bite, the hot chocolate burning your lips. You quickly pulled the cookie away and almost dropped it while doing so, but caught it in time. You finished off the cookie quickly before heading to the bathroom to take your relaxing bath.


As you were in the middle of your relaxing bath, you heard a knock on the door. You groaned and decided you should just stop your bath now if you were already getting out. You grabbed a towel that laid on the bathroom counter and wrapped it around your body before stepped out of the tub, taking out the plug as you did.

You rushed to the door without a thought and cracked it open slightly.
You looked up to see yet again the bothersome man from the other days.

"Ah, good morning, Y/n! D...Did you just get out of the shower?" He said noticing your wet hair, a slight shade of red in his cheeks.

Your cheeks did the same as his as you looked up at him. "O-oh! Hey, yeah sorry... So, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" You said with a weak smile slapped across your face.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was hoping you'd like to join me and the other neighbors out for breakfast? After you're ready of course." Joseph said with an almost pleading tone and a sheepish smile.

You thought about his request for a moment, noting at how you haven't been out of the house in a while. "...Sure. I guess I'll go."

Joseph's eyes lit up as he heard your words, a bigger smile now replaced his smile's former position. "Great! Could you be ready in twenty minutes?" He said his hands clasping together as usual.

"Sure thing, Joseph." You said with a smile as you gave him a small wave and shut the door.

What have I gotten myself into...


Lemme know in the comments if you'd like a part 2! 😄

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