Waiting for You

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Waiting on the empty docks as the sunsets

Wondering and searching for an endless cause. 

Love, it's my only guide. 

I'll only prevail to you. 

The winds ahead gently blow. 

An endless hope for a hand to hold. 

The eyes that I want to gaze upon, I'll never see-will I? 

I've dreamed of a day to meet you.

A mere hope to finally tell you what I've held at bay. 

Yet these probably will mean nothing. 

I let the words escape from my lips

Spilling away in the wind like ink from a bottle. 

They fly and escape into the prevailing winds. 

Gone now, and gone to earth. 

Now I stand alone still

Endlessly waiting for hope. 

Endlessly wanting nothing more.. 

but you.. 

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