Episode 1: Discovery

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Ruby was sleeping in Prof. Port's class. Well, trying to anyways. The class had yet again turned into another story of bragging. Bored, Ruby started drawing designs of weapons in her notebook. Suddenly, she heard her scroll vibrating. Making sure Port didn't see her, she turned her scroll on, to see a text from Weiss.

Stop sleeping! You need to pay attention!

Unamused, Ruby texted back.

Why is your scroll out then?

Ruby heard Weiss scoff from her seat. She didn't text Ruby back. Ruby was about to go back to sleep, when she heard the bell ring, signaling the end of class. "Oh, um, I guess I will see all of you tomorrow then!" Professor Port exclaimed while all the student emptied out.

Ruby went out to the courtyard for a jog. She plugged in her headphones to her scroll, and turned on her favorite song, then started running. While jogging, she saw a little black book on the ground. It didn't seem to come out of anywhere. Ruby walked over to it, and picked it up. The words "Death Note" were poorly written on the cover. "Hello? What's this?" Ruby whispered to herself, as she opened the page to find it was an ordinary notebook. Disappointed, she turned to the inside cover, then was immediately shocked by what was written.

"Any human whose name is written in this notebook will die"

Ruby's mouth gaped open, then continued reading.

"The notebook will only work if the writer has the person's face in mind while writing their name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected."

"After writing a person's name, the cause of death should be written in the next 40 seconds. If cause of death is not specified, the victim will simply die of a heart attack. After writing cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 min. and 50 seconds."

Ruby closed the notebook. It can't be possible for a notebook to do this. Right? Ruby placed it back on the ground, and left, but she was still curious. So she went back and picked up the notebook, and brought it back to her and her team's dorm. Ruby shoved the notebook into her nightstand drawer, and closed it, and slumped into bed. Ruby lie awake in bed for about 30 minutes, unable to sleep. She kept thinking about the book. She tried to forget about it by turning on her scroll, and looking at the recent news. Another crime was pulled off by Roman Torchwick today- wait. Ruby thought. She looked back to her nightstand, at the drawer she had put the notebook. Reluctantly, she opened the drawer, took out a pen, and began to write Roman Torchwick's name. Roma-

Wait, should I be doing this? Ruby thought, still writing.

-n Tor-

People will find out. If this is real, this is murder!


Last chance... Ruby took a deep breath, and wrote the last letter.


Ruby wiped her brow, realizing that she was sweating. She chuckled to herself. How foolish was she? How could writing someone's name in a notebook kill them? She laughed some more, and returned to bed, finally able to sleep.

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