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Without a second thought, I raised both of my middle fingers and held them up proudly.

"Say it," he whispered from behind me.

I hesitated. He pulled my ponytail down, bringing my head back.

"Say it," he said more forcefully.

"Screw the government."

I could picture my mother, tears in her eyes as she watched this from her window. How could her own daughter turn against her? More importantly, how could her own daughter turn against her in front of the nation?

Dillon smiled, his white teeth practically shining in the middle of the night. He turned me around and smashed his lips against mine. I dropped my arms back down to my sides as he kissed me. When he pulled away he let out a war cry, causing the rest of them to cry back.

I smiled, giddy to the feeling of going against my mother, against everything I know. This was the rebellion, and I wasn't planning on losing.

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