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I am (Y/N). I am (Y/A) and I have been dared by gamzee to tease karkat. At first i denied but gamzee threatened to put clown pictures in my room. And I am TERRIFIED of clowns. So anyway let's get to the teasing.
  The first thing I gotta do is uh... Drop a eraser in front of him then pick it up? Goddammit gamzee what the hell are you making me do?! Whelp.. This is gonna be embarrassing.

                  ~ timeskip brought to you by karkitten~      
OK so I called karkat over and I changed the eraser into a tube if ChapStick. Just to make it more believeable. Cause who the HELL carries around a eraser everywhere? Seriously gamzee? " HEY, FUCK ASS. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT? WHO THE FUCK INVITES SOMEONE TO THEIR HOUSE AND THEN GOES INTO LALA LAND?! " I shake my head " its nothing karkat. Wanna watch a mov- " I take out my ChapStick and purposely drop it " shit. I'm such a klutz. " I bent down to pick it up with a slight blush. " U-UHM. IM GONNA GO.. SIT ON THE COUCH " he said. I heard his foot steps grow distant. " alright. Imma pick out a movie while you get comfortable " I hear a grunt in reply. ' OK.. Now what ' I look at the list in my pocket. ' a horror movie! Gamzee KNOWS how scared karkat gets!! ' I Shake my head and grab a random horror movie. annnnddddddd it turns out to be the movie ' the conjuring 2 ' " HURRY THE FUCK UP. IM BORED. " " calm your ass karkitty. I'm coming " " DONT CALL ME THAT " I walk to the TV putting in the disk and pressing play. I see that while I was getting the movie karat already got blankets and pillows. " WHAT MOVIE IS IT? " "hmmm. you'll see " I say with a evil smirk. I sat down beside him. I can't exactly look at my list when he is right beside me so I guess its up to me. The dare was basically that I had to get him to n
either blush, or smile. I decided to go with the blushing route cause it seemed easier and I'm lazy as hell. I covered up with a blanket and cuddled up to karkat. He didnt seem to mind cause he wrapped a arm around me. " I SWEAR TO GOG IF THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE (Y/N) " " you'll seeee~ "

                   ~⊂∏Λptξ® ξ∩Ð~

teasing vantas ( karkat x reader lemon )Where stories live. Discover now