what is this? AN UPDATE?!? :000

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I stared into his beautiful red eyes ( I have a headcanon where every trolls eyes match their blood color DONTJUDGEME) with a huge blush " w-what do you mean karkat? How am I sup- " he crashed his soft lips onto mine and starting grinding against me, causing me to moan into the kiss " (Y/N)~ " he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and grinded more, causing enough friction to make both of us let out soft moans. " k-karkat? Are y-you sure you want t-this? " " (Y/N) stop acting so gogdamned innocent. You caused this. And as I said, your fixing it" I nodded and started grinding too. His hands traveled from my wrist to the the bottom of my shirt " w-wait karkat- " his beautiful eyes snapped up to meet mine. Making sure he wasn't going to far. " I need to tell you something before we take this to the next level.. " " your a virgin? " I blushed more and hid my face with my newly freed hands " that and... Something else. " a confused look spread on his face as he got on his knees, looking down at me " what is it? Are you OK? " worry flooded his eyes and he started frantically spewing out words " w-we can stop if you want? I didnt even ask if you w-were in the red quardrents with s-some other t-troll. I'm so so- " " park at shut up " he stopped speaking looking at me again. I sat up too and hugged him. " karkat... I'm flushed for you. " he tensed up and wrapped his arms around me. " I'm flushed for you too.. " he pulled back and kissed me tenderly pinning me down again " I can.. Fix the problem if you want? " he blushed and looked down at me " if you say so~ "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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