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saddaddy: how the fuck do you know

saddaddy: nobody even knows what the pml stands for

danielthespaniel: i have suspected you being pml for a long time, and you messaging me, made my job 100% easier.

saddaddy: what do i have to do to keep your mouth shut

danielthespaniel: where is the PMLP building you work in

saddaddy: 13 neal's yard, london, uk

danielthespaniel: how is it set up

saddaddy: what

danielthespaniel: like floors and stuff

saddaddy: oh

saddaddy: floor 1 is the lobby, floor 2 is the kitchen and eating area, floors 3-6 are one bed one bath apartments where all the stars live, floors 7-12 are porn sets and stages, floor 13 is for photo shoots, and floor 14 is empty.

danielthespaniel: floor 14 is empty?

saddaddy: yes

danielthespaniel: not anymore

danielthespaniel: floor 14 is my floor now. have it custom done by the time i get there.

saddaddy: why are you coming here?

danielthespaniel: you, my lovely boyfriend, have got yourself another star.

saddaddy: what?

saddaddy: you said you were still in school?

danielthespaniel: college and i dropped out last week. i'm turning 19.

saddaddy: why do you want to be a pornstar? out of all the jobs?

danielthespaniel: i'm a slut, phil

danielthespaniel: some people are pornstars for the money, but i'm a pornstar for the rough sex and public humiliation

saddaddy: how did i not know any of this?

danielthespaniel: i never told you my last name

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