To you...21

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8 at night

I can't breathe through my nose again. The room is stuffy and I'm running a mild fever.

You were at the amusement park with your friends, but now your face is peeking into our bedroom. You are home early. There's a grin on your face.

"You're home? It's only 8. I told you you can stay late. Did you at least have fun?" My voice is nasal and worried.

Your grin doesn't disappear. "I got you something," You say as you drag a large green stuffed dinosaur into the room. "I couldn't win him so I bought him for more than he's worth."

I manage a smile. This is the third stuffed animal you've bought me. I can't decide if you're still mocking me or not, but hey, you left an amusement park to make the delivery. "Thank you. I love him. But I don't want to infect him so put him in the closet."

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