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ATHENA WAITED FOR HIS FOLLOW REQUEST. She didn't know what to expect. Sitting in her room, spinning around in her chair, and biting her nails, she was a nervous wreck. Why isn't he requesting her? Did something happen? Is he scared too?

She did everything she could to distract herself from him. In the end, everything led to her wondering what was taking so long. Athena ended up face timing Freya.

"What'd you do this time Athena?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I did anything bad. I found out who my soulmate is."

"That's great! I told you that you'd find the person someday. So? What are they like?"

"He lives in England."


"Oh indeed. I gave him my Instagram and forgot to ask him for his. Now I'm stuck waiting for him to request me. What if he doesn't like me Frey?"

"Athena Penelope Grace, any person would be blessed to be your soulmate."

"Thanks Frey. I'm just so stressed over this whole thing."

"It's gonna be okay A. What's his name?"

"It's weird to be honest, but I don't judge. God, how do I even pronounce it? His name is Vik."


"Yeah, isn't it kinda weird?"

"Athena, I swear I know a Vik in real life."

"Really? Proof or you're a dickhead."

"Alright, I'll send his user in dms."

"I really hope you're not a dickhead."

"I promise."

Athena opened Instagram and pressed on the username that Freya sent her over dms.

The profile did say his name was Vik, at least it let her assume his name was Vik. Vikkstagram? God, her soulmate is a nerd. She was okay with it though. What she wasn't okay with was his follow count. Nearly 2 million people? Athena didn't even have more than 10 friends!

"Frey, why is he so famous?"

"He's a youtuber like Josh and his other friends. You know how I bring up Sidemen clothing?"


"That's Josh, Vik, and the others clothing brand. I work for them."

"That's really cool. He's really cool. Freya, I'm not really cool, what do I do?"

"Relax girlie, Vik is probably the nicest of them next to Tobi. Don't stress it and be yourself!"

"Thanks for the cliche advice, I really appreciate it."

Athena got a buzz from her phone.

"Holy shit Freya."


"He requested me."


"And? If I let him follow me, he can finally judge me."

SOULMATES, VIKKSTAR123 ✓Where stories live. Discover now