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"Holy shit. Athena Grace, you are a small piece of ass."

Athena rolled her eyes before running towards Freya. The two embraced. Both girls were incredibly happy.

"So, when I dreamed of the moment we'd meet, I didn't think you'd be insulting me already. Asshole."

"Well, I mean, I know almost everything about you already, and you know just about everything about me. Why pretend to be nice when you know I'm an ass?"

"Come on, a certain boy is currently unaware of your arrival, and we all want to go and stop that."

Athena turned around to see Josh. Even if they were not the best of friends, they were still close and talked from time to time. She gave him a big hug, going on her toes because of how small she was.

"Hello Joshua."

"Hello Athena."

They let go of each other and started leaving the airport. The conversation in car trip to the Sidemen house was filled with excitement.

"Well, here we go."

"Are you nervous?"

"Of course not Frey. It's not like I'm a few minutes away from meeting my soulmate, who may I mention, I've been looking for about, let's say, my whole life? I'm totally not nervous at all."

Freya and Josh laughed at the girl who was rambling.

"It'll be fine. I hope you think you look okay, I am totally taking pictures of this momentous occasion."

"Freya, she just got out of a 10 hour flight. How can she possibly think she looks okay?"

"Thanks guys, you're really making this easy for me."

"Alright, enough talking. We need to get inside before they end the video."

Josh unlocked the door and opened it for the two ladies.

Freya and Josh went into the room where they were recording, motioning for Athena to quietly come behind them. When they reached the room, the couple pretending to just walk in, distracting Vikk for a minute. While he was distracted, that gave Athena more than enough time to go behind the couch. Freya and Josh said they would sit behind the camera until they were done filming.

Athena jumped out from behind the couch and yelled, "BOO!"

Vikk was startled by the loud noise made behind him and quickly turned around.


In a matter of a few seconds, Vikk was face to face with his soulmate.

"What? Athena? I'm,"

Before he could finish his sentence, Athena cut him off by pulling him into a hug.

"You do smell really nice."

The hug made them feel like it was destined for them to be together, which they are. Like they were two pieces of a broken heart, and finally after all this time, they fit together as a whole. As much as they hated it, they pulled apart.

"I finally found you!"

"Took your sweet ass time to."

"You're a sarcastic asshole, Athena Grace."

"Too bad, huh? I mean you are stuck with me for a long time, Vikram Barn."


"So, anyone wanna scream because this was super cute?"

"Shut up JJ. You're ruining the moment."

"Well, you ruined the moment now Simon."

SOULMATES, VIKKSTAR123 ✓Where stories live. Discover now