#3. Torture

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Your breathing was unstable and heavy.

You look around to see where you are, you almost instantly recognised it, Malfoy Manor.

You were in the basement/ dungeon and soon the cage like door opened.

"Y/N." The rat like human stuttered.

"Wormtail! Bring the girl up here." You hear in the distance, with a recognisable voice, Voldemort.

Wormtail reaches for you but you push him back, making him angry yet fearful.

"Don't you dare touch me." You spit.

"The Dark Lord orders me to so I just to his command." And at that moment he grabs your arm and drags you up the stairs.

At the top, you see a variety of different faces, many you've never seen before but 4 catch your eye. The first one is your potions teacher, Snape.

Then three platinum blondes, in a row, were opposite your teacher. Your boyfriend and his parents. Draco looked down at his laps.

"Ah, so nice of you to join us today Y/N." The no nose man said.

"Y/N?" Draco looks at you in shock with the look on his face as if he's saying What the fuck are you doing here? It's not safe!

"I see Miss Y/L/N has already known fellow Draco here, in a relationship are you two?" Voldemort voice echoed, sending shivers down your spine.

Draco gave a light nod, looking back down at his lap.

"So y/n, have you made up your mind?"

"The answer is still no, I won't forget what you did to my parents because of it!" You spat at "the dark lord"

"Guess we will have to do some 'persuading'."

Your parents were huge supporters of Voldemort and wanted you to become a death eater but you disapproved of it. Voldemort then used your parents as bait and then killed them so they would tell anyone, it was Professor Snape who told you the truth, while you believed that they had been killed by the ministry.

"Draco, seeing as y/n is your girlfriend, you can do the honours."
You felt a lump in your throat after hearing this.

"Wh-what?" Draco stuttered
"Do it Draco." Bellatrix whispered behind him.

Draco nervously walked towards you and you stare into his silver grey eyes. You didn't know what he would have done, if he was really going to put the Unforgivable Curse on you or not.

He leans towards you and whispers

"I can't do this y/n, I love you too much"
"I love you Draco, but he would kill both of us if you cdon't."

"Ahem!" You peak over Dracos shoulder and see Lucius, Dracos father.

"Draco, are you ready or not?"

Draco gave no answer but you came up and said
"He is."
"Y/n? What? I...I can't, not to you." He whispers the last part.
"Draco, its fine, if you loved me this would be right."
He doesn't say anything but steps back while you stand there, ready for the pain and stinging.

He stands there with his wand out, and you give him a light nod.


You don't even mutter anything but fall back, feeling more pain than you expected. You see in the corner of your eye Draco tearing up, seeing what he had just done.

"Well done Draco. Now finish her!" The sudden lord shouted

"What?! No!!" Dracos response was.

You shiver at the thought. You wished you hadn't been here.

"Fine then! I will!" Voldemort said
"No! Don't you dare!" Draco exclaimed, he had his wand towards The Dark Lord.

"Draco! How dare you disrespect Our Lord!" His father said.

"He's nothing to me"

Death Eaters Gasped at the sound of this. Voldemort was furious as you could tell as if he was not only ready to kill you but Draco aswell, you couldn't let this happen.

You look around to find your wand. In the corner you saw Pettigrew guarding your belongings, including your wand and satchel.

"This is going to be interesting" you thought to yourself with another one if your cunning plans.

A/N Omg this me ages to write and about a quarter of it was lost but I managed to improve it😊  I will do a part two and maybe three because I have a good idea of this storyline, no spoilers!
Love you and thanks for reading this! I've got 30 reads that's more than I would have thought 😂


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