Savior (andley love story)

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ok so this is new to me but I totally ship Andley so I'm just gonna listen to music and go along with what it tells me to write sooooo........


andy pov

I groaned as my alarm clock went off, slowly I sat up and turned it off. I was so nervous about today, it was my first day at my new school and...SHIT! I've got to get ready!

I jumped into the shower and relaxed under the warm spray of water, when I was finished I dried of and pulled on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, dried my hair and straightened it then teased (?) it and put on a bandana to push up my black hair and finally applied my eyeliner

"Andy!" my mother called to me, "its time for school" I walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast and holdind it in my mouth before pulling on my boots and heading out the door to my bus stop before I could be stopped by my mother.

as soon as I turned the corner I tossed my piece of toast into a hedge so my mum didn't notice I didn't eat it. I got afew looks as I waited for my school bus but I just plugged in my headphones and blasted my music into my ears. when it arrived I climed on the bus and stode immediately to the back, I plopped down and put my feet up on the back of the seat infront casually.

when I arrived at my new school I instantly felt the air of despair and hate that was settled across the school. I still had my music blasting in my ears but I knew people were talking about me so I just put my head down and walked further into what I was sure would be my new hell.

I eventually found my first class and only pulled out one earphone as I walked In, I was met by a full room of stares, the teacher realised who I was and asked; "you're Andy aren't you?" I didn't reply, I never do and never will if the past was anything to go by, after a moment she said "okay... well Andy... go take a seat" she said a little confused.

I walked over and sat down, eyes following me all the way, just as I sat down another boy walked in and strolled over, his cowboy boots clinking as he walked over and sat in the seat next to me. I was staring at his feet as he walked over and I now slowly looked up inspecting him

This boy was wearing very tight black jeans, a number of belts were draped around his waist and he wore a plain black ripped t - shirt, my eyes slowly reached his face and I was mesmerized by what I saw, this boy had beautiful shining brown eyes that were outlined by black eyeliner, his skin was flawless and I wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was a smooth as it looked. he noticed me staring and said "hi I'm Ashley, who are you?"

I blushed his voice was beautiful, oh God I wished I could reply, no, no I didn't I wasn't worthy, I quickly looked away, hiding behind my hair "are you gonna say anything?" Ashley asked a bit concerned, when I still didn't reply he just started talking, I liked that and just stared intently at him, he got that I didn't mind him talking and just carried on talking, when he said he loves Hello Kitty I smiled slightly, then clamped my hand over my mouth and looked away. smiling was just as bad as talking.


ok so first chapter done, ummmm I hope u like, if u can think of any thing I can improve please tell me, this whole fan fic thing is new to me so id appreciate that

over and out *salutes then walks off awkwardly* * trips* * gets up* * trips again* *decides to just lie there in the mud*

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