Chapter One

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yay update. hope u like


Ashleys pov

what was up with me? I'd never usually do this, just chat, well it wasn't chatting seeing as the gorgeous boy next to me wouldn't reply,  or couldn't? Why was I even trying?

Still I carried on and as I confessed my love for Hello Kitty he smiled at me; it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Wierdly, he looked surprised as if he'd never smiled before in his life and then turned away as if he was ashamed

why was he ashamed of that beautiful smile?

****skipping school cus I'm lazy****

I'd had three of my lessons with the boy, who I found out was called Andy, I had spent the entire time staring at him or thinking about him or talking at him, wondering why he never speaks, never betraying what he was thinking or feeling. Maybe he can't or has a social issue or never learnt... I was determined to find out.

Maybe I could follow him home tomorrow, he can't live that far away. We'd gotten of the mouldering, dank school bus together and at the moment we were walking in the same direction. finally I realized he lives on my street "holy shit, this must be fate or something " I said to myself under my breath

Andy had kept looking over his back at me while we were walking, omg he probably thinks I'm stalking him, shit, shit, shit! Well... Maybe I was obsessing a little bit, but it was totally not my fault. Andy just had to be a puzzle. I can't stand unsolved problems. Ever

Eventually, he turned and headed up the drive of one of the larger buildings on the street, a blank look covering his face. Somehow he was even more closed off now that he was home. I wonder if I should follow him into his house. No, that's too creepy, I want him to like me not freak because I'm following him.

So, instead I walk home. Well, if one could call it that at least. To be honest, it was my stepfather's house. My mum and I had moved in with him two years ago and my mum married the loser six months later. Two years I have had to put up with him, his drinking, his mess, his smell! Not to mention the fact he is unemployed and while my mum works for him, he screws every woman he can find. Its a joke!

Quickly, I reach my house, Andy only lives 7 houses down from me. The thought of this makes me giddy but I mentally kik myself. I've only known the kid for less than a day! With a rusty creak, I open the front door and step across the threshold of the dirty, dark house. My mum and I try to keep it as clean as possible but the step-loser, Mark, always finds a way to pollute the house with his stink and mess.

Fresh beer bottles, food wrappers and drink cans line the hallway and stairs. My room is at the far end of the house and I have to be as quiet and quick as I can. Mark's and my mother's room is the first and I can hear... Great, I can hear him with one of the hookers he likes to pay for.

Finally I reach my room and collapse on the bed. I always forget I have to come home.

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