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*Authors note; I, Am new to writing and such so please excuse any horrible grammar an such because I'm not a good writer :,)*

3rd Person Pov

Addison sighed, looking down at his fingers, fidgeting with them quietly. This was the usual so Madison didn't think much of it.

"Hey, hun it's gonna be okay,"

She hummed, placing a hand on top of his, making him stop.

"I know, Maddie, dear. I'm just... nervous."

Addison replied, looking up at Madison who gave a weary smile, trying to reassure him it'd be okay. Madison sighed, glancing around the room, looking for something to take Addison's mind off the trip. She glanced at the door, then at Addison who was also looking at it. Madison removed her hand, starting to speak.

"Want to go outside, hun? It'd be good to take your mind off of the trip"

Addison blinked, then blinked twice, nodding afterwards. This was a sign for Madison to get up. Making Addison follow suit. They both walked to the door, Addison resting his head against it and Madison, checking her notifications on her phone. Not much. Well most people didn't have internet at this point. This thought made her giggle, though she didn't know why.


Addison spoke, looking at Madison, turning to unlock the door, opening it slightly. Madison shook her head, not wanting to respond. They both were at a loss of words, silence taking place of the once uncomfortable conversation. Addison looked as if he was about to cry, making Madison, out of habit, wipe his face with her thumb.

"It's gonna be okay, hun. Just breathe"

she spoke softly, making Addison smile slightly. This was good, the same silence returning as they both walked outside hand in hand. Now most people think they would be a couple, but hurrah, this is where we discover that they are siblings.

*time skip brought to you by laziness*
Addison's POV

The air, wasn't the same. It was gross. And dirty. Full of chemicals. This wasn't relaxing. But, Madison is why I'm doing this. I want to make her happy. So I will.

"I miss the old Akron."

Madison spoke, making me jump a bit. This was great. I'm so jumpy.

"Yeah.. me too.." I replied, glancing up at Madison, then at the doors, knowing that the crew is gonna bust out soon. We need to make plans anyways. Madison grabbed my hand, giggling a bit.

"We look like a couple"

She muttered, glancing at the door. Just you wait. They'll be here. 3..2..1


Braelin & Autumn screeched in unison, making me jump a bit. Madison groaned, and they approached us. They stared at us, then at the door, as if they were expecting something. Then Fiona & Betty bust through their door, making me jump again.


They screech, the same tone & unison of Braelin & Autumn. That made the 2 giggle, as they approached us. Glaring at Madison, & then focusing on Braelin.  The 4 all gave each other high fives, leaving me and Madison very confuzzled.

"Mekhi & Andrew are being gay again. You can hear it through the walls"

Fiona spoke, leaving me and Madison to mouth 'OooHh.' A silence filled in, leaving us to all awkwardly look around the ground, trying to find something interesting. Madison bent down, squatting as she looked at a partially dead flower. This was the uncomfortable silence. The one where you start to sweat.

3rd Person POV

"We should make plans soon."

Braelin started, making everyone snap their heads towards her. Fiona nodded rapidly, Betty taking out a cigarette, lighting it quickly. She held it in her mouth, nodding after she had calmed down. This caused her to start coughing. Which Fiona took the cigarette, placing it in her mouth, patting Betty's back.

"You're gonna die soon"

Braelin stated, making Betty groan, & giggles from the rest of the group. We giggled for a minute, till we were all wheezing for air.

"Thanks, mom. I appreciate your opinion"

Betty hissed, leaning again Fiona, a bit pale from the coughing. So we started discussing what we're gonna get when we go to Talmadge, so we can actually live. And soon after, Andrew busted the door open, wobbling out of the way. Mekhi walked out, wobbling even more. Which made the group crack up, but gain composure quickly.

"I see the 2 lovebirds decided to join us"

Braelin sang, sarcasm dripping from her low voice. She soon started poking Andrews cheek. This made him glare along with Mekhi. Mekhi groaned, leaning against Andrew slightly.  Which made Autumn snicker. After a minute of glaring, Braelin began again.

"Who wants to go to Talmadge?"

Everyone shook their head pointing to themselves. Addison, nodded, making Braelin smile.

"Okay! Everyone go get packed. We need to get out soon. It's 9:35 Am"

She sang, pushing Mekhi & Andrew to their rooms & etc. for the rest of the group. Except Madison. They stared at each other, enjoying the silence. Then Madison began.

"You're a great leader. I'm glad to have you"

This was a complete lie, she just wanted to make Braelin happy. And so it did. Braelin hugged Madison almost instantly, then letting go. They stared at each other a bit longer, the familiar silence returning. It was calming. And so they parted. Braelin to her room, Madison to hers.

*Authors note* hhahahah I hate this & 909 words*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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