Broken Hearts

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Your POV

Ein l-likes me?! Do I feel the same for him or do I have feelings for Kai?

Why is this so complicated!?

I threw myself on my bed and hugged my pillows then closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw Zane walked in to borrow one of my horsie figures.

"Ugh. I thought you were at your friend's house. Hey what's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I'm okay. Why do you care?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Calm down (N/N). Tell me what's wrong." He said calmly.

"YOUR NOT ZANE THAT I REMEMBER! IMPOSTER! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I yelled across the room throwing stuff at the imposter.

He lift leaving me alone. I was looking at the door and closed my eyes once more.

Once I opened them Vylad and my mom and dad was shaking me.

"Oh (N/N) you scared me. Don't do that. You started to yell in your sleep." My mom had a worried expression.

It was just a dream. Thank goodness.

My parents talked to me and said I should get more rest at night instead of watching my anime shows.

I didn't sleep at all ig was already 7 pm.

I stayed awake the whole night thinking about my dream.

It wasn't like me too get these types of dreams.

Maybe I'm thinking about Ein liking me.

I also like Kai. His kind ways. His gentle smile.

But those are just dreams. Hopefully he likes me too.

The next morning Zane was the only one that stayed behind since Vylad and Garroth left me.

"Zane wake up!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him

"(N/N) Leave me alone you girl woman thing." He groaned hugging his 'very manly' Pinkie Cake plushie.

"Fine be late to school see if I care." I walked off when he stopped me.

"I'll go. You are the only one left here anyways and I don't wanna ride with mommy."

I looked at him and smiled running to get ready for school.

This time my hair was in a high ponytail with a blue bow in my hair.

We walked and I saw Ein.

I walked towards him while Zane left to speak with some friends.

"Hey (Y/N). How are you?" He asked.

"Just fine. Also about your text I just wanted to say-" I was cut off seeing a werewolf kissing Kai.

My heart broken. Torn up into pieces and shattered forever.

I ran away leaving Ein to himself.

Zane left his friend and ran after me.
Well my lovely Flame-heads you just had your heart broken by your true love. I feel sorry. Anyways why do you think Zane followed you? Do you think he has feelings!? Until next time Phoenix OUT!! *drops the microphone and runs*

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