Fear Cure 2 - Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)

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I'm sure we're all arachnophobic, or at least we have been at one point.

Undertale, a popular indie game with a horrible fandom, should sound familiar.

Muffet would have to be my favorite character from the game.

A spider boss that can and will literally kill you is the reason why I'm not arachnophobic.

Also, one day, I was outside doing chores while listening to a Spider Dance remix on my phone with my headphones plugged in.

All of a sudden, a black widow showed up and started dancing in sync with the song.

How do I know I'm no longer arachnophobic?

Before, if I saw a spider in a tree, I'd lift my leg up as far as I could and kick it repeatedly.

I saw a spider on a tree recently, and instead of freaking out, I said "naww, that's cute. I better get back to work, though," and got back to work.

And before you say "you're still an arachnophobe because you don't like daddy long legs spiders," a daddy long legs isn't a spider. A spider has eight legs and a daddy long legs only has six.

Oh, there's a spider right next to me building a web in the car as I type. It's just a cute little spider, but I'm not familiar with the species of spider.

 It's just a cute little spider, but I'm not familiar with the species of spider

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If you can't tell, it's reddish. Its legs are yellow with reddish tips.

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