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The story starts in Arendelle courtyard with Elsa, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf preparing for Anna's 19th birthday.

"Okay, here we go." Elsa made a little ice statue of Anna on the top of her cake. "Hmm.... so lonely," Elsa muttered to herself. She was deciding what ice statue to make on top of Anna's birthday cake. She flicked her wrist again. "Stiff...." she flicked it again. She gasped as she had unknowingly made a statue of her hugging Anna's frozen body from two months ago. "I can't do that." She gasped as she flicked her wrist, this time forming an ice statue of the two sisters playing. "C'mon Elsa, this is for Anna, you can do this."

"Relax, it looks great!" Kristoff said from behind her. He had been painting the words 'Happy Birthday Anna' on separate pieces of parchment and was hanging them up on a rope. 

"I just want it to be perfect," Elsa said anxiously.

"Speaking of perfect, check this out!" Kristoff gestured proudly at his work as he climbed down the portable ladder. Elsa turned around and stood blank, looking at it for a second before she forced a smile on her face.

"Kristoff are you sure I can leave you in charge?" Elsa approached Kristoff and wiped the paint off from his face.


"Cause I don't want anything to happen to this courtyard." As she said this, a high pitched screeching noise could be heard moving towards them from the sky at a high velocity. A second later, a red, humanoid, manta ray-like alien with two black lightning bolt-like stripes coming down from his shoulders landed on the ground, sending up dust particles around it. After it landed, it transformed into a human teenage boy wearing a green jacket, and green pants.

"What did I miss? Am I late?" He said with a smirk. "Oh, and I'm sorry about the dust." Elsa turned to him and gave him a hug.

"Ben, what an unexpected visit." She said before letting him go. "Well, no, actually, we were just setting up. I'm glad you're here, though. Anna will be very happy." 

"Nice entrance!" said Kristoff. 

"You know me, always making an entrance," Ben replied. Elsa bent over a table, adjusting a plate before she looked up and gasped.

"Olaf, what are you doing?" The snowman was stuffing his mouth with the tasty ice cream cake Elsa had conjured up.

"I'm not eating cake...." he said innocently. Ben chuckled.

"Olaf..." Elsa said, chuckling slightly, feeling a little happy at the sight of the snowman.

"But It's an ice cream cake," Olaf replied. Elsa walked over and said.

"And it's for Anna."

"And it's for Anna," Olaf repeated, slightly crestfallen that he couldn't eat the cake. He spits out the cake piece in his mouth and stuck it back in place. Ben looked at him in disgust. Olaf shrugged at him. Just then, the palace clock rang.

"It's time!" Elsa gasped

"It's time!....for what?" Olaf repeated cheerfully.

"You sure you two got this?" Elsa asked Ben and Kristoff.

"We're sure," reassured Kristoff.

"Don't let anyone in before we're ready." She said as she waved her hands, and freezing the twin waterfalls.

"We won't," Ben replied.

"And don't touch anything!" She exclaimed at the two.

"We're just gonna stand here." Ben and Kristoff said in unison. Ben chuckled at her.

"I'm probably gonna walk around." Olaf stands up and walks around.

"...and keep an eye on that cake." She walks inside and shut the doors behind her. Kristoff looked at Sven and then used his high pitched 'reindeer voice'.

"She thinks you're an idiot!" Ben smiled at what the two are doing. "Well. Clearly, she's wrong!" He said before bumping into the table, almost knocking it over, saving it in the nick of time. "What? It's fine" Kristoff added after seeing Ben's tense expression. Olaf tried reading the banner Kristoff had hung.

"Hah.hyuk. I can't read...or spell...." Ben facepalmed. 

A few minutes later, Ben lied on the bench not far from the table, his palm on his cheeks, cloud gazing, with Kristoff, Sven and Olaf snoozed loudly. He faintly could hear Elsa singing to Anna from inside the castle. He smiled to himself and hummed silently. Out of nowhere, his eye caught a strange little creature skipping joyfully towards them. It was so small that Ben could fit it in his pouch. It had bead-like eyes and no nose. It's mouth stretched from one end of its face to another. It looked like a chubby doll and had legs which were small spherical structures that allowed it to only wobble around in a cute manner. Ben could tell that it was made out of snow as the white snow shone against the sun's bright rays. The creature smiled up at Ben and then it hopped up happily towards the cake. Realizing what the creature was intending to do, Ben woke up Kristoff and Olaf.

I think that's for part one now, I'm out of ideas on how it should end. Ciao.

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