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As Anna opened the gates, the snowgies get in position and the people inside greeted her.


"WOW!!!" Anna gasped loudly as her face lit up seeing the surprise behind the door.

"Wow..." Elsa repeated softly as Ben looked at her nervously, slightly astounded at what they were looking at. A bunch of children was present there, hugging a couple of snowgies tightly. The royal staff was also there to wish their favourite princess a happy birthday. The snowgies had formed a dune on which Olaf was sitting. He wore a festival-appropriate firecracker hat. On top of the dune, stood Sven, his tongue out like a dog and wagging his tail. Balanced, on top of his antlers, stood Kristoff, holding the cake up and out of reach of the snowgies. He had a nervous smile on his face. Then as Ben watched on, slightly puzzled, the people broke into song:

"We're making today a perfect day for you!" a bunch of children and Olaf waddled forward and picked up Anna and moved her to the centre. Elsa joined Ben as she sneezed. Out of thin air, three snowgies materialized and the two ran off. Now Ben knew how these pesky snow brats were made. Elsa looked at the snowgie, slightly confused. So she didn't know that she had created sentient snow creatures with her sneezing. They all continued:

"We're making today a perfect day for you!! Making today a day where all your wishes come true!" 

"There's a fine line between chaos." Kristoff joined in as he waved the cake around, trying to keep it out of reach of a bunch of jumping snowgies. 

"and the hullaballoo!" Olaf chimed in cheerfully

"We're making today a perfect day for you...."

"Happy birthday," Kristoff said as he looked at Anna lovingly. He slid down the dune of snowgies to her feet as she grinned widely from ear to ear. "Oh ho ho! I love you, baby!" Anna looked at him blushing. 

"I love you too..."

"Thank you," Elsa whispered to Ben's ear and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"No problem," Ben replied. She smiled as he started humming the song. Anna turned around to Elsa and stuck her tongue out at her sister and Ben. "What was that all about?" He asked.

"Ben, she has sniffles!" Anna said.

"It was just a hug," Ben replied chuckling.

"Still though." In this distraction, the snowgies snatched the cake from Kristoff's hand and ran to Sven who sliced the cake with his antlers. Ben sighed in relief as the snowgies changed direction to chomp down the cake. Everyone looked at Elsa and Ben as she kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Ben asked blushing.

"A token of gratitude of course. I just wanted to say thank you, for the second time, for helping me make it perfect."

"Erm. Uh, you're welcome." As their conversation ends, everyone started singing in an acapella.

"We're making today a perfect day for you... making today a blast if it's the last thing we do. We love princess Anna. And we're making today a special day..." 

Elsa grabbed Ben and Anna as she joined in weakly. "A special day!" 

"Okay, to bed with you," Anna told her.

"No, wait, wait. All that's left is for the queen to blow the birthday beautiful horn." Elsa protested and pulled Anna towards the huge bronze plated horn and sneezed into it. Out of the other end, Ben saw a huge snowball flying up into the air and vanishing behind the blanket of clouds.


"So who lives here again?" Ben asked Kristoff and Olaf, waiting outside the ice palace in the north mountain. They were moving the snowgies there since Elsa produced hundreds due to her sniffles. The kingdom doesn't know what to do with them.

"Marshmallow!" Olaf said happily as he tightly hugged the three snowgies.

"Oh... him," Ben said in realization.

"The snow monster that Elsa had created had moved into the ice palace after Elsa returned to the kingdom," Kristoff added. The door slid open and the giant creature looked down on them.

"This way, Sludge and Happy, Slip and Slide and Hansel and Gretel and Flurry and Powder and...William. .." Olaf said as he led the army of tiny snowgies into the palace. Ben pointed at Kristoff's hat as it began to move on its head. He groaned as he lifted it and a stray snowgie ran off with the rest of them. Marshmallow turned and faced them.

"Don't ask..." Ben said as the snow monster sighed confused. As they left the palace, they found Sven sitting outside, his tongue stuck on the ice staircase handle. As they pulled Sven out, Ben nostrils stung and he began sneezing uncontrollably. His eyes widened as he rubbed his nose. "Oh no!" Kristoff, seeing Ben sneeze uncontrollably started to back out.

"Woah, back off."

"What?" Ben asked, confused. "Why?"

"Yeah, I guess Elsa's cold is contagious." Kristoff anxiously said.

"Guys, it's just a cold." Ben sneezed again as he tried to approach Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven but Kristoff kept his distance from him.

"Ehh, maybe you got it from her through her hug," Kristoff stepped further and further away from Ben. 

"I'm immune to colds. And diseases." Olaf butted in.

"Yeah, but Sven and I are not. Sven let's go." Kristoff mounted on Sven before he runs off towards the kingdom, leaving Ben and Olaf behind. "See you in the Arendelle, Ben," Kristoff yelled from the distance.

"Guys, come on! It's just a cold!" Ben yelled back at them. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now, Olaf."

Frozen Fever: 19th BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now