Letter #3 pt2

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"Brian I'm home!" I yelled hoping to get a response, but I got none, I just shrugged it off, he's probably asleep, I walked up the stairs, I opened my door to a sleeping Brian on my bed, I awe'd at the sight, I didn't want to wake him up so I silently sat on the other side of him, and send Irene a picture


Jae: image attacted

I was gonna say kiss him
then I remembered we were together
I mean I wouldn't mind if you kissed him its not like we are actually together
do it

Jae: what if he wakes up
if anything im kissing his forehead

Irene: do it

Jae: Okay okay I'm doing it

I leaned over, pressing a soft kiss on the youngers forehead praying he wouldn't wake up or be awake, before sending Irene a text saying I did it, then laying down under the covers, and closing my eyes, I felt him move around before snuggling into me, Why is he like this oh my gosh this is so cute save me, I thought before wrapping my arm around him

The Next Day

I woke up Brian still laying down next to me, I smiled at the sight, "hey" I whispered shaking him, "hey" I whisperes again this time jumping on top of him, "wake up or else" I said still sitting on him, "or else what" he whispered sitting up so we were inches apart, "or else I'll kiss you" I said back making him smirk, "why didn't you I mean its not like you didn't have a problem kissing my forehead last night or cuddling me" fuck, "come on Jae kiss me" he joked, "okay" I pushed him down not to kiss him but tickle him, "hey" he laughs "how... is... that... fair" he said inbetween laughs, "did you forget I have a girlfriend" I said, making him frown, "No I just wanted a kiss just a little peck on the lips" he pouted, goddammit Brian your just making me want to kiss you, "I have a Girlfriend Brian" I said still hovering over him, "your girlfriend doesn't really seem ro care" he said pointing at my phone thats now lit up with Irene in it signaling she texted me "shit" I whispered "what was that" he smiled sitting up, as I hid my face in his neck, "I sometimes question how your older than me you know" he said as I looked over getting off him, "hey are you ignoring me" he asked I just sat at my window seal, "Jae really" he asked sitting in front of me, I heard my phone go off, "Its Irene don't you wanna answer it" Brian said as I got up and answered the phone

"Hey Irene whats up" I said trying to avoid Brian, "not much I just wanted to know how you and Brian are doing" She asked making me go silent "Jae? you okay" she asked "Irene I think he found out" I told her as Brian stood there staring at me "what did I find out" he asked "im gonna go Jae talk to you later" Irene said before hanging up, "Jae answer me" Brian said walking over to me, I took his hand and pulled him back into my room, when I remembered that note, I walked over to my backpack and took it out, "Brian did you know who wrote these" I asked

you don't know how Lucky Irene is to have you, I guess this is my last note, I really love you, I should have asked you to be mine... when I had the chance


Jae I need to tell you something" He said sitting next to me, taking my hand in his own I looked up at him with wide eyes, my phone went off, it was Irene


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