You have silver eyes

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(A/N) im going to be adding a hell fire scorpion in to and it's kinda gonna be like a ghost rider thing. Anyways i hope you enjoy and this will be a short one. Expect short ones till The story gets rolling so probably after initiation.  

Your POV

i was on my way to get some cookies when i heard some commotion. i went towards the noise when i got there i saw two people fighting the white fang. There was a girl in a red cloak with black hair with red tips and she had a scythe as a weapon. The other one was a boy with a blue trench coat and black hair he also had A tail? must be a wolf faunus (THAT IS NOT RACIST) I couldn't see his weapon but he was beating the white fang bare handed. I saw one of the white fang behind the girl so i decided to join in. I dashed forward and pulled my swords of my back and hit the white fang with the end of it knocking him out. The girl looked back at me with a look that said "Thank you" then went back to fighting. "Well red, blue and black it looks like i must take my leave." he said then he shot a rocket at our feet. "Damn it where did matchstick go!?" i asked then i saw the girl point to a building and i saw him climbing up a ladder. "Lets go" i told them running to the ladder. when we got to the top we saw him looking over the edge. "Youre not going anywhere Matchstick." i told him and he looked back at us. "Oh i think i am" he said as a bullhead came up beside him. he jumped on and we started using our ranged weapons to bring it down. he then went in and a woman in a red dress came and started throwing fire at us. A huntress came and pulled the girl out of the way and the rest of us rolled out the way. then the huntress picked up some pieces of the building with some type of telekinetic power or something and shot it at the bullhead. The girl in the red dress shot some fire at it causing it to break apart but the huntress shot the pieces back at the bullhead and one of them hit them but the rest missed. the girl then shot another blast of fire at us and we dodged with the girl having to be pulled back again. when we got up she was gone and the girl rushed over to the huntress. "Canihaveanautograph"

(A/N) again sorry for the short chapter and being hella late ill be on wattpad more so that i can get these stories out because i REALLY want to start on a broken fox but first im going to finish one of the ones im working on. Dont know what im gonna update next im  pretty sure you have noticed that the schedule is non-existent right now and i might get back to it but right now im going to  just go and write whichever im feelin but that's all i hope you guys enjoy and i will see you guys in the next chapter. kurosake is out *jumps out of a plane*

From hell (scorpion male reader x RWBY) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now