Chapter 1 - Broken

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Hey just to say that this will start on her birthday and after school the real stuff happens hope u enjoy...x
Warning - contains self-harm and deepression

Helooo my Names Abigail and today Im turning seventeen and my parent would be back soon with my new brother and sister, Kaleb and Kate. I live in Texas I go to Texas High Im one of those people who has glasses and wears casual clothes I get bullied, kicked, punch, teased and everything that comes with bulling and wish it would just stop and I have had enough.






Ugh... I turn off my alarm and hop out of bed and heads towards the shower, I strip off and let the warm water hit my body

after 20 mins I wrap my body with my fluffy towel and go into my wadrobe, yes its a walk in wardrobe if your wondering, since its my birthday i may as well wear something nice, i decide on black skinny jeans, black tank top and black leather jacket and slip on my new red vans. I must admit I have a good slim body with curves in the right place, C cup boobs, a model like tan and a 6 pack.

Today i may as well dress like the bad nerd and finally get payback and the Queen Bitch Megan and Bad Boy Jake. I've learnt MMA when I was 15 because my dad has a lot of enemies that want him dead and someone tried to kidnap me so my dad decided to teach me, to protect myself.

I quickly apply some mascara and straightened my blonde long hair and put my black beanie on.

Once I finished ran down the stairs and grabbed my lunch and quickly ate my toast and ran into the garage to find two cars left since my parents decided to take that land rover so I decided to take my black camaro yeah I know right I got it for Christmas and yes you can say were quite rich because my dads parents were wealthy, but they died so he got all the money but whatever so I jump in and head to school.

School is about a 10 min drive so I blasted my music and backed out the driveway.


10 mins later..

I arrive at school and parked and saw everyone staring to see who this 'New Girl' was so I slipped on my black ray vans since I have my contacts in I don't need my gland jumped out and walked my way to the doors, I heard a few wolf whistles from the jocks and ignored and got a few glares from girls and ran into look out Queen Bitch who thinks she owns the school.

"Oh look what we have here a New Girl, the names Megan and just to let you know this is my School so don't walk in like you skank own the place"

"its nice to meet you and we have met before, the names Abigail Rose and I think your calling the wrong person a skank maybe you should look in the mirror"

And I walked away leaving her speechless, hahaha bitch ain't got nothing on me anymore.

Maybe my MMA lessons might come to use afterwards to punch those sluts and jocks. School was over and no one dared to bother me so I made my way home to wait for my parents.

Right now Im sitting on the couch watching tv while eating pizza, Its currently 11:30 and my parents should be home by now so i drifted off to sleep.
I was awoken from a know on the door and realised my parents are home!!!
I jumped up and ran to the door but when I realised it was a police officer
"Um what seems to be the problem officer?"
"Are you Abigail Rose?"
"Im sorry for your loss but your parents and your brother and sister have died in a accident with a drunk driver"
I was shocked, no terrified "Since you have no more family to look after you, your guardian Mrs Knight will take you under her wing" as he left a lady with brown and blue eyes with a tall slim model like body.
"Oh my gosh you must be Abigail! Your mother used to talk about you a lot and here I am meeting you, you are gorgeous as she said you were" Mrs Knight sobbed as she was speaking to me.
"T-thank y-you" I stuttered.
(5 hours later)
Madeline (Mrs Knight) had told me about everything and now Im going to live in California to live withe her and her family. This just doesn't feel real, like I dont want to believe that my whole life just broke and I haven't shred a tear or haven't spoken.
So here I am standing in front of what looks like a mansion which I assume is Lilly's house. Its at least is a modern California 2 story home but still looks massive. As I walked inside with Lilly it looked really expensive.
"Kids come down and meet Abigail" Madeline yelled and I heard a large amount of feet coming down the stairs.
Once they came into the large living room I was shocked and so were they. She had 4 boys, hot ones might I add! They were all wearing basic muscle tees with shorts and here I am wearing superman shirt, denim ripped jeans with blue vans.
"Boys introduce yourself" Madeline asked the boys
"Jake 20 and go to Stanford " said the one with Blonde hair and green eyes and was roughly 6.9ft
"Blake 18 and Bad boy of the family" he had black hair and green eyes and looked a little shorter than Jake and was really hot.
"Christen 16 and you have one nice body" he had blonde hair and blue eyes, and he sounds like a ladies man haha.
"Luke 15 and Im probably the most matured out of them all" Luke said with a chuckle, he had brown hair and green eyes.
"As you already know Im Abigail, 18" the boys gave me a nod and walked off except Luke who stayed behind.
"Luke why dont you show Abigail her room" Madeline asked Luke
I followed Luke up the stairs and to the left until we came to a door that was black, Luke opened and let me step in first what a gentleman.
I gasped as I entered the room. "Damn this is big"
"Yeah, well I will leave you to get settled in" he smiled at me and left.
I looked around the room and I saw it had a queen size bed in the middle against the wall, an office desk with a mac book and a new Iphone 6 beside it, I had a couch and a tv on the wall great for my gaming consoles yeah Im bit of of game freak haha, I have two doors one for my own bathroom and other for my walk in wardrobe which was half filled with clothes I really liked.
I decided to unpack all my stuff.
Once I was done I check my new phone and it was 6:27 pm dinner should be ready but im not that hungry so will skip.
After watching tv for an hour I took a shower and changed into my pj's which consist of a sports bra and my fluffy polka dot shorts. I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and looked at my reflection. I had a pale face and dull eyes, then I started replaying memories of my parents and never seeing my brother and sister. My legs gave way and I collapsed to the ground and cried like I never cried before, I felt like I wanted to die and end my pain. Believe it or not I was diagnosed with depression at 15 from all the bulling but had my parents help me through it and to be strong, but now there gone. I have no one. Im lonely, im weak.
'Your parents died because of you'. 'They dies to get away from'. 'Your so pathetic and weak' the voices kept repeating in my had, theres only one way to get rid of the pain.
I locked the bathroom door and grabbed my razor and ripped all the sharp blades out. I brought the blade to my wrist and made a big slash, I did this 5 more times, as each tear dropped blood dripped on to the floor. My arms were stinging but I happened to enjoy it, it was like pain killers they got rid of the pain.
I was interrupted by a knock on my bathroom door. "Hey Abigail its me Luke everything okay?" Luke asked with a voice of concern.
"Y-yeah Im fine" I croaked, I started to clean up my mess
"It sounds like you've been crying"
"No why would I have been" damn you voice.
"Okay well I was just going to tell you your going to school tomorrow"
"Okay" i heard my bedroom door close meaning he was gone, I let out a sigh of relief and went out of the bathroom and jumped in my bed hoping I would sleep.

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