Chapter 2 - Blake

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Luke's POV
I exited my room and into mine right next door to find my brothers lounging around. Before I could say I was interrupted by Blake "I called dibs on her brother"
"Bro you cant just dibs her" Jake answered him
"Yeah bro you don't want to brake her already broken heart" The boys just looked at me like I was crazy "what, I overheard mum and dad talking about what happened and why she's here"
"Why she here than" christen asked or more like demanded
"Her parents just died and so did her new born brother and sister"
"Oh I saw that on the new damn" jake answered
"Yeah well I went into her room just before to tell her shes has to go to school tomorrow and it sounded like she has been crying, so you will ruin her if you play with her heart"
Everyone was silent for a minute before blake stormed out.
Blake's POV
God how can I be so stupid of course there would be a reason why she's here and I don't know why but it hurts me that she's hurting, I just want to hold her and tell her everything will be okay.
Wtf am I saying I only just met the girl and I'm already liking, only option is to rude because Im Blake Knight The Bad boy, street fighter, and player and I dont date girls.

Two points of views there.. i will be updating both of my books at the same time :) Amber

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