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"I told you this was a dumb idea!"

"Hey, it was a good idea! It's just a little colder than expected," Scott defended, standing by his brilliant decision to take Mitch camping so they could be at one with nature. Avi rubbed off on him, what could he say?

"A little?! Turning the AC down to sixty-five is a little cold but this? I can't even feel my toes, Scott. I think they might've fallen off," Mitch whined as he tried to wiggle his toes in the sturdy hiking boots he had bought specifically for this trip. If this excursion into the wilderness was good for something, it gave him the opportunity to go shopping.

Scott scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, you're being dramatic. It is not that cold."

If looks could kill, Scott would be dead ten times over from the look Mitch gave him then.

"Fine, get ready for bed and come snuggle with me in my sleeping bag. We can even open up yours and fling that over the top of us. Sound good?"

Mitch huffed but started unlacing his boots anyway. There was no way he was taking his Vetements coat off though, that was like a whole other sleeping bag in itself. Once he placed his boots by the entrance of their cosy two man tent, Mitch crawled over to worm his way into Scott's sleeping bag. Scott's hand pushing against his padded chest stopped him in his tracks.

"Off," he simply demanded.

"Excuse me?"

"That ridiculous coat. Take it off."

"My coat isn't ridiculous. I will have you know, sir, that this is Vetements," Mitch said, over-enunciating 'Vetements' with a terrible french accent. "Besides, this is another layer. It'll keep me even more toasty."

"You won't even fit in my sleeping bag with that on! It's already going to be a tight squeeze."

Mitch raised a perfectly shaped brow. "What are you trying to say?"

"Oh please, your entire body is as thick as my arm," Scott said, waving Mitch's complaint off. "But a sleeping bag is only designed for one person and we're already trying to squish two in, so the coat has to go."

Mitch slapped his hand down on the air mattress below them, the best alternative for stomping his foot like a spoiled toddler who didn't get their own way, before conceding and removing his coat.

Just as he was about to make his second attempt at snuggling into the warmth, Scott stopped with him a hand on his chest once again.

"You know, they do say that sharing body heat is the best way to stay warm and for optimum efficiency, it's best to remove all barriers that will get in the way." Scott smirked suggestively, his hand travelling down to rest on Mitch's thigh.

"Is that so?" Mitch grinned back, already liking this idea much better. "And just how many of these 'barriers' are you suggesting we remove here?"

"Oh, all of them." Scott looked Mitch up and down, biting his lip. "Definitely all of them. I have a couple other suggestions for staying warm, too."

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