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Everyday at lunch in school, Scott would sit himself down in the cafeteria, in his usual spot, pull out his lunch box and unwrap his cheese and ham sandwich. Then he would sit and wait for his best friend to join him.

Everyday, Mitch would pull up a seat next to Scott, unwrap his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, take out half and pass it over to Scott who would then give Mitch half of his sandwich in return. Together, they would eat their half of a PB&J and half of a cheese sandwich before disappearing out to the playground and spending the rest of their lunch just the two of them.

"Hey, Mitchy," Scott calls from the kitchen of their new shared house. "I'm making a sandwich, do you want one?"

"Yes, please," Mitch answers with a wide smile.

"The usual?"

"The usual," he agrees.

As they sit together at their dining room table, Scott feels the nostalgia hit him when he passes half of his cheese and ham over to Mitch and finds it is being instantly replaced with half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

He couldn't imagine sharing his sandwich with anyone else and he feels incredibly fortunate to know that he met his other half at such a young age. No one would ever complete him the way Mitch does, sandwich and all.

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