Chapter 2- Welcome to Sunshine Valley

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Holland Roden as Lydia Martin

September 9th, 2017
Sunshine Valley Mental Institution
«2:00 a.m.»
Lydia Martin
[First Person]

I'd be crazy not to be scared, hearing the echoes of people talking to themselves and attemptimg witchcraft and voodoo in their cells.
I did not belong here.
My roommate was asleep, snoring quietly on her bed.

I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Lydia... they're all going to die," said the voice of an elder woman. It was all in my head.

Just ignore it like you always do.

"You have to save them!"
"Leave me alone," I begged, but I knew the voice wouldn't stop.

Then I heard it.

A scream


Was I the only one hearing it?

I glanced at my roommate, still fast asleep.


I looked at the door, which was securely locked and meant to make sure no one would escape.

I heaved a sigh. I wouldn't be able to save anyone. 

I gazed down at the slippers we were given; the only shoes we were allowed to wear. 

They had identical symbols on each one, with the shape of cubic spirals.

When I glanced up, I saw the door slowly creak open.

And somehow, I knew where to go.
My legs kept taking me closer and closer towards the screaming.

And finally, I was in front of the bulky closed door.
Taking a deep breath, I peeked through the bars placed at the top of the door and observed.

There was a doctor, hovering over a patient on her bed.
He had a needle and a jar of monoxide in his hands.
He was going to kill her.

"Please don't do this," she cried in despair, not ready for her life to end.

A big part of me just wanted to scream.

And I was going to, until a cold hand pressed hardly on my wrist, yanking me away from the helpless victim.

Was I going to be next?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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