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              I've been rewriting everything I wrote and changed the ideas on this story, so if you already read chapter one, you're gonna have to read it again. It's completely different, as you can see, with Stiles being introduced in the first chapter instead of Lydia.


Dylan O'Brien as Stiles Stillinski       

                                                                                          |Third Person|                

                                                                             A Cold Friday Night, 2017

        "For the love of God, Dad, you mean to tell me that nothing seems off about that place? How there's always some mysterious death reported there every month?"

There was a dead body found at Sunshine Valley Mental Institution. Stiles was watching the  news as they revealed that the cause of the 15 year-old patient Alaina Robert's death was a suicide. Apparently she injected herself with monoxide after breaking out of her cell. 

Stiles had heard of many cases on Sunshine Valley, especially since his father was the town's sheriff. He had a feeling something sketchy was going on in that place. He was going to find out what it was one day, one way or another.

"Stiles, I already told you before. No evidence was left for us to even think something bad was happening in there. A lot of suicides happen in mental institutions, son."

"I expect more from you dad," he said, shaking his head and heading to his room. He wrote about the suicide in his journal that he kept, just to keep track on the tragic events that occurred in Sunshine Valley Mental Institution.

For the umpteenth time this week, he dialed Lydia Martin's number, and received no response once again.

"Where'd you go Lyds?"

Looking out the window, he decided to go with his last option left and called his best friend, Scott.


"Scott, I know something wrong happened to Lydia. We need to find her.  She's had perfect attendance since freshman year and now all of a sudden she's absent for three days in a row! She won't answer any of my calls either, I-"

"Okay, clam down. We're gonna find her Stiles."

After hanging up the phone, Stiles started putting on his maroon Adidas jacket. While he was zipping it up, he could have sworn he heard footsteps coming from outside his window. He made a suspicious look, but then brushed it off as he started grabbing his flashlight. He opened up his window and quietly crept out the house, beginning his trip to Scott's house. He didn't take his Jeep. Turning the car on would make too much noise in his dead-silent neighborhood, and his dad would catch him.

His feet moved slowly as the cold wind brushed his face. A few minutes passed, and something felt off.

It felt like someone was following him.

His feet stopped moving and he whipped  around, only to find nothing behind him. 

He shook his head and turned back around, jumping back as he saw a teenage boy around his age standing in front of him.

"You picked the wrong night to be out here all alone buddy."

Stiles started backing away, seeing the teen speed walk towards him as he started morphing into a monster. He couldn't believe his eyes. He sprinted as fast as he could, but the shape-shifting creature  was  too fast.  He got ahold of him and let out a ferocious growl. He clawed Stiles right on the chest, right before he jabbed the creature with his flashlight and took off, not looking back.


"Scott, let me in!" He shouted, banging on his front door. Scott opened it up and saw his sweaty friend with his shirt torn and distorted with blood on his chest.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Something tried to attack me," he exclaimed, quickly shutting the door.

"What? Like an animal or someth-"

"No Scott. Like a vicious monster from another dimension. It sure as hell wasnt from here."

"What in the he-"

"Shhhhh. I think I heard something."

"Nothing's out there Stiles!"

"Shush, the sound's getting closer..."

Scott rolled his eyes and peered out the window, and down the street he saw a gigantic flesh-eating monster looking around.

He shut the blinds and his heart race sped up by a longshot.

"Scott, are you okay? I could hear your heart pounding from he-"

"Stiles. The monster is out there!"

"I know that asswipe, if you would have shut up you would've heard it.."

"What do we do?"

" We still have to find Lydia. What if she got taken by that thing?"

"Stiles are you out of your freaking mind?"

"Scott. We need to find her. Now."

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