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bradys pov

i'm still in awe of everything that happened. i just can't believe it. i never thought i would be in a situation like this, but here we are.

mikey and i are back up in our room now and we lay on the bed, tired from today's events.

"you look tired. do you wanna nap?" mikey asks.

"i don't know. i'm kinda tired, but i wanna talk to you," i say.

"why don't we cuddle or something and talk? i don't really remember how this whole boyfriend thing works, but i think this could be nice?" mikey suggests, sounding unsure of how i'll react.

"i'd like that," i say lightly.

he lays in a way thats more comfortable for him and opens his arms. i lay my head down on his chest and he puts his arms around me. this is really comfortable. i'm happy.

"could you tell me some of the things that we used to do so i can try to get my memory back?" mikey asks.

"of course. i don't know where to start though," i say.

"well..how'd we get together?" mikey asks.

i smile at the question and say, "we were right here in this bed, laying down and we were watching a scary movie. i was afraid the whole time, but i watched it with you because you really wanted to. i ended up getting too scared and we accidentally kissed because you were going to give me a kiss on the cheek to try to make me feel better, but i turned my head towards you to look away from the movie and that happened. then i apologized because i thought it was my fault and then we went to sleep. at some point we took a nap, but i woke up because of a nightmare and i wouldn't stop talking so you kissed me, and then i asked you to be my boyfriend and you said yes,"

"wow. that's actually such a cute story. i'm so sad now that i can't remember the whole thing," he say looking down at me.

"maybe this will help you remember," i say as i look up and kiss him.

he kisses me back and then says, "i think it's coming back to me, but i might need a bit more help remembering," mikey says and smirks.

i look at him confused and say, "well what do you wanna know?"

he giggles and kisses me again.

"dork," he says.

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