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Cupcake stared at Mike as he walked down the street holding an orange plastic jack-o'-lantern full of candy that he had stolen from a trick or treater earlier in that night. Mike strutted like he owned the very pavement on which he walked. He was so confident and sure of himself. That only made Cupcake hate him more. She was really going to enjoy this.

It was late and there were no more trick or treaters on the streets. No more prying eyes or kids begging for candy. Another Halloween had come and gone, but the real fun for Cupcake was about to begin.

"Miiiiiiiiiiiike," she cat called from the alley. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Miiiiiikey!"

Mike stopped in his tracks and turned around. Yellow and red flashed from his letterman's jacket as he spun. The yellow C letter on the left side of the jacket's chest glittered with pins from making the varsity team in football, baseball and basketball. He got the MVP pin for football last year. He wouldn't get the chance to win another.

"Miiiiiiiiiiikey," Cupcake sang like a siren's song.

A smile spread across Mike's face and his pearly, perfect teeth glistened. "What?" he said. "Who's there? Were you at the party, too? Did you follow me from it?"

"It's just lil ol me, Silly Willy," Cupcake answered from the shadows.

After a few steps Mike stopped again and called out, "Gina, is that you?"

A giddy, girlish laughed broke through the quiet of the night. "Noooooooooo. Not Gina. Try again," Cupcake answered.

"Come on out and let me see you," Mike said as he took a few more steps towards the alley.

Cupcake stuck her ass out from the alley so that she was just barely visible to Mike. A shadow, but a very shapely shadow. She posed with her butt stuck out as far as she could. Her legs were posed so that one was bent and the other was straight. And there were a lot of legs showing due to her very short tutu which Mike could see the outline of.

"All right," Mike said as he beamed from ear-to-ear. He reached into his pocket and felt his wallet. The outlining O of the condom he kept in it was present as it stuck through the cheap material that the wallet was made of. His pace picked up as he walked towards the shadowy figure in the alley. "This Halloween isn't a complete waste."

Cupcake moved further into the alley. It was dark. Darker than Mike thought it would be. "Come back, baby," he said as he stepped into the alley.

Skipping along Cupcake said, "Come get me."

Mike took a few steps in. "Slow down then," he said.

"If you catch me you can kiss me," Cupcake sang back to him.

Liking where this was going, Mike picked up his pace. He heard a door click open up ahead of him. Whoever was in the dark in front of him had gone into one of the buildings on the side.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone. He turned on the light. It wasn't very bright, but it would keep him from tripping on something and breaking his neck.

"Come find me," Cupcake giggled from inside the building. Mike followed the sound of her voice through the dirty metal door that was left cracked open. He shined his light in front of him as he walked.

The smell of jerky filled his nostrils as soon as he entered. He could tell that he was in some kind of meat market, but it was too dark to be certain. Flashing his phone around he saw that it was indeed a market. A butcher's shop by the look of it.

"Hey," he called, "should we be in here? Coach would kill me if I got in trouble."

"Come find me," Cupcake sang once again. Pinpointing that the sound of her voice had come from behind the counter, Mike looked for a way to get behind it. A swinging wooden gate led to the other side.

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