They're not real

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I was fascinated by the creek down by my house.
The murky waters would always be pitch black, making it impossible to see the bottom.
My big brother, Alexander, hated whenever I mentioned it.
He'd get irritated, almost angry, and tell me to just simply 'shut my mouth.'

I'd still go.
I was obsessed by every single thing about it.
My grandparents loved watching me just play in it for hours, wide smiles would etch on their wrinkly, raisin-like faces.
But Alexander would be frowning.

My parents would sometimes force me down in the creek, telling me to 'get used to it'
I never knew what it meant.
I would always tell my grandparents that Alexander was against it, he hated the creek.
They'd all just tell me, "he's not real, Richie."
I never believed them.

And even when my parents pushed me down all the way to the bottom of the murky creek with all my other siblings waiting for me at the bottom, Alexander's frown didn't budge.

Me and Alexander warn my little brother of the creek everyday now.

But my parent's just tell him

"They're not real."


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