Home sweet home

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"Have you heard of the old house that burned down like, ten years ago?" My best friend, Kai asked me. He would always ask things like that, he was intrigued with every little stupid thing to do with the dead.

"No." I answered.

"You definitely live under a rock, man." He replied. I shrugged.

"Anyways, apparently a couple lived there and they had a seven year old son. The father was the stereotypical alcoholic and the mother was doing everything to try and keep her son safe." He said.

"Okay...and?" I asked, completely disinterested.

"Well the father lit the house on fire so they'd all die. I dunno- he was insane. But apparently the son survived. His whereabouts are unknown till this day." He told me, his eyes glinting with madness.

"Right. Your point?" I asked.

"Well the son must have serious mental issues if he's still alive! Like, imagine the shock." 

I rolled my eyes, thinking of the utter  irrelevance of this conversation.
I raised my eyebrows
"what do you want?" I scoffed.

A grin broke on his face.
"There's a party there tonight. Lilah's hosting it. You have to come!" 
There it was.

"Sounds amazing, but I'm sadly going to have to give up the offer." I replied with my low key  sarcastic tone.

"Wimp" he stated.

"Whatever, I've got to go to football practice." I said, not in the mood today.

My life was pretty good, if I be honest.
As the quarterback of the high school football team, cheerleader as a girlfriend and even decent grades, I'd always feel like a ego infested jerk.
Man, I loved it.

Home wasn't as easy though. My parents where always fighting. I'd just taught myself to get immune to it.

After practice I walked home from school, preparing to hear their intense yelling. As I walked into the big beige coloured villa. I just simply kicked back on the couch, then the  screams started.

Here we go.

"Why would you do that?!" Would come a small voice of my mum.
Then followed by a booming cackle from my father.
She would ask him that everyday.
Then I'd just hear screams. It was sort of like a broken cassette, replaying over and over and I knew for a fact I didn't want to interfere.

"Asher..?" I heard a voice which cracked as it spoke.
I looked over to see a small brunette girl with chocolate dark skin. Lilah.
I looked at her questioningly and stood up, alarmed.
"Are you here early for the party or something? Kai told me you weren't coming..." She said, a hint of worry in her voice, knowing I never come early to parties- hell, let alone come to  any.

"What do you mean?.." I asked, clearly confused.

She furrowed her eyebrows "well I don't see why else you'd be sitting in this house, it burnt down 10 years ago." She said.

My vision started to blur.

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