Innocent - Part 8

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Things continued much as they had before. Every night they would sleep together innocently. It wasn't surprising when they finally got found together. Jinny's mom went in to check on her during a thunderstorm cause she couldn't sleep, and she knew it really scared her daughter. When she saw Jinny was not in her room, she got worried. She checked Yoongi's room, and there she was with arms possessively around Yoongi as she hugged him from behind. At that moment, her mom realized why Jinny had been doing so well. She realized Jinny had been sleeping with him since he got here. She sighed and closed the door quietly. So long as it was platonic, she supposed it didn't matter. That's how it seemed to her based on their interactions and the fact that Teahyung was still her boyfriend. She would keep an eye on them. She went back to bed not realizing that they had already fallen in love, they just hadn't admitted it yet.

The next morning she prepared breakfast for them and packed their lunches. Jinny was the first one in the kitchen to help her mom.

"How did you sleep?" Her mom asked. "Did the storm bother you?"

"No, I didn't even notice." She replied with a smile.

Her mom was glad of such a great improvement. Usually, if there was a storm it meant neither of them would get any sleep.

"I went to check on you but you weren't in your bed." 

"Oh, I must have gone to check on Yoongi."

"Why do you check on him?"

"He has trouble sleeping since his mom died. I comfort him as he does me."

"I see. I'm glad you two are getting along so well but if you are going to sleep in his bed you should put a barrier between you. Don't hug him or sleep on him. He is a boy."

"I know mom. I won't if it makes you happy. But please don't tell his dad. He is really tough on Yoongi and I don't want him to get in trouble for something I've done."

Yoongi walked into the kitchen. "Good Morning."

"We're late. What took you so long?"

"Sorry I overslept. Let's go." 

"Okay. Bye, mom." 

"Let's take the bicycle so we can go faster." He said as he pulled the cover off the bike.

They made it to school on time thanks to Yoongi's fast legs. After she got off the bike, she gave him a quick peck on the lips and she ran inside as he was tying the bike on the rack. She kept thinking of his soft lips on hers making it hard to concentrate in class.

'Why did I do that? How was I going to face him at lunch?' She thought.

When lunchtime finally came she made her way to the lunchroom looking for Yoongi. She noticed there was a commotion in the hall hearing a male voice say, "You said she was your sister then why were you kissing her?"

"Shut up and mind your own business!" Her eyes widened when she heard Yoongi's voice.

She watched in fear as the nosy guy pushed Yoongi against the lockers. Yoongi bounced off swinging his fist till it landed on the guy's face. The teacher came out of the room in time to witness the hit. "Hyuk, Yoongi to the office now!"

Jinny could believe it. 'No! He got in a fight because of me and my actions.'

She felt responsible. After everybody got back into the classroom, she went to the office and looked through the door searching for her stepbrother. There he was looking back at her with a sad expression.

Jinny waved at him and waited outside till he came out.

"Let's go."

"What happened?" Jinny asked.

"I got detention for getting into a fight. They're going to call my dad." He said turning to me.

"Why did you hit him?"

"He disrespected you."

"Yoongi, I'm sorry ahh. You're in trouble because of me. I shouldn't have kissed you in public."

"I'm going to talk to my dad before they call."

"Yes, call him quickly!"

[On the phone]


"Dad I got in trouble at school. They are going to call you. Please, dad, don't be mad at me. This guy disrespected Jinny. I told him to shut his mouth. He pushed me into the lockers so I punched him in self-defense. The teacher only saw my punch."

Yoongi's dad sighed and Yoongi could tell he was disappointed in him. "I believe you, son, but you still have to serve the punishment for punching him. You should just ignore people like that."

"I would have but he got physical."

"Get home right away."

Jinny looked at him with a worried face. It wasn't fair.

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