Chapter 12

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*this chapter has been edited*

I shot my arrow into the chest of a Turap. He couldn't dislodge it fast enough and the black mist consumed him from the inside out, forming zigzag patterns all over its body and crushing everything from within, the creature fell on its knees and exploded with the mist erasing all signs of its body.

I crouched down when it was over, trying desperately to regain myself. My breathing was labored and I knew it was due to the amount of dodging and fighting I had to endure.

The Turap had found me almost immediately. After the walls enclosed on all of us, it cornered me, and I had no choice but to defend myself.

My weakness was short distance fighting and the creature knew this very well. As I tried to put more distance between us, it only fuelled the beast to shorten the gap. Our arrows were only meant for long distance fighting and not close combat, which unlike us, was the Turaps greatest fighting tactic.

After steadying myself I started walking, making sure to be as stealthy as possible. My heart was beating so fast that I stopped just to catch my breath, but I was at a point that I was even afraid to breathe as it might alert my opponents on my whereabouts resulting in my impending demise.

I heard a snap behind me and I swiveled around and shot my arrow. There stood Jade with a hand towards her heart. "Dang girl, if I'd known that coming towards you would lead to my almost death, I'd have kept my distance, she said still trying to catch her breath.

My heart was full of relief upon seeing her, "I have never been happier to see you-"

"Shhh," she said whilst covering my mouth preventing me from uttering any more words.

"Do you want to get us killed?" She asked giving me a questioning look.

I shook my head as a response.

"Good," she said releasing her hand, "Neither do I and if you want to live I suggest you don't talk so loudly. Speaking of which we should start moving since the Turaps might be close by."

I took a deep breath and I followed behind her, a growl from somewhere ahead caused us to pause our movements, we hid behind a tree and waited until the sound became more and more distant, only then did we proceed with our hunt.

"We need to catch them by surprise, we need to do it stealthy and keep our distance at all times, or they will have the upper hand over us." I nodded at Jade's idea, getting too close would be a bad idea.

A figure stood watching me with beautiful light green eyes, a beauty unlike any other. Her green leafy skin made her look like part of the forest, her face showed no emotion, she only watched me, observing me from afar.

"Cecile? Hey are you okay?" Jade's face was laced with concern.

A beautiful lady with red hair stood near me, her blazing red eyes stared at me and in an instant her body combusted and she was aflame, but it seemed the flames were a part of her and not harming her. She lifted her hand and beckoned me to her.

My eyes blinked and I was back in the forest with Jade, my vision was switching scenarios and I had a hard time remembering what was real or not.

"What is happening to me?" I almost yelled as I felt my eyes shift once more.

A dark laughter and a chilling scream followed, but what I saw confused me. A younger version of my father stood before something, someone. And looking closely my heart stopped and my blood ran cold--

I let out a piercing scream, breaking out of that world. Clutching my head and falling to my knees, I shook from what I had seen, the man looked exactly like my father, and the scream had come from my mother as she run towards my father's look alike who had looked on the brink of death.

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