Baby mama drama

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Jade POV

I was heading over to willow house because she asked me to help her study for her math test because I am a grade a head of her

Mom can you take me over to willows

Tina:sure just give me a second

Jade:I will wait in the car


In the car

Jade:I can't wait until next month when i turn 16 and I can finally drive

Tina: yeah you will be the big 16

Jade:yup and you know what the perfect birthday present would be

Tina:what's that

Jade: a CAR

Tina:why can't you drive the truck

Jade:mom I think you and I both know dad would not let me drive his truck

Tina:yeah I guess your right the other day he named it,but you can always drive this van

Jade:mom this is a min-van

Tina:I love my min-van

Jade:I know hahah,well were are her I will call you to come pick me up afterwards

Tina:okay see you later

I walked up to the Door and ringed the door bell Willow answered the door

Willow:hey stranger

Hey let's get cracking on this math

Willow:but first let me give you a house tour

I guess so but let's make this snappy

Willow:it should not take that long

The first room we went to was the kitchen it was very beautiful it had state of the art cooking supplies

The next room was the theater

Wow you have a movie theater in you house


Then came this very pretty colorful room

I'm guessing this is your room

Willow:sure is

A few doors down was jaden's room the door had a black circle on it with three line going through it I did not see inside it because the door was closed

Is it over

Willow:yup that's all

Now let's get to studying

2 hour later

Willow POV

My brain can not Handel any more

Jade:Understood I can't earthier but for a quick refresher what's 2 plus 2

4 plus tax hahaha


What do you say celebratory milk shake

Jade:I thought you never ask

Okay just give me a sec to get my shoes and purse

(Willow runs upstairs)

Jade POV

I looked around at all the family pictures and I saw how happy they all looked

When I heard a loud crash behind me it was jaden

Omg you scared me

Jaden:ha you get scared easily

Haha very funny tell me about these family pictures of yours

Jaden:okay we'll that one was taken last year in Hawaii

Wow Hawaii I wish I could go it seems so beautiful there I bet the views are beautiful to

Jaden:yeah but not as beautiful as mine right now

(I looked down at the ground and smiled)

Jade thinking

Could I be falling for jaden no that's impossible right I mean he could have a kid on the way but it's very possible for it to be Chris kid I'm not sure

Willow rushed down the stairs

Willow:I finally found my shoes

Jade:great lets go get some Milkshakes

Willow:okie dokie

(Me and willow walked to the place and got are milkshakes)

**authors note**

How do you guys like this sorry this would have been up sooner but I had writers block I hope you guys enjoyed follow me on Instagram (jadabeta1) ps I follow back

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