Friends or nah

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Jaden POV

After we all went skating we decided to go to local buffet to get something to eat during the entire car ride Danny and Mateo argued back and forth non stop while Bethany and Moises just made small talk

Jade: do you think they will ever stop bickering

I wouldn't bet on it

Jade:fabulous (sarcastic tone)

~at buffet~

After we got are table we all went around the buffet to get some food then we all went back to the table jade came back with 1 plate with A salad and a few pieces of chicken and some French fries Bethany plate was almost the same but instead of salad she had a couple slices of pizza Mateo came back with three plates

Whoa Mateo are you going to eat that

Beth: yeah we're Are you going to put all of that

Mateo: what can I say I eat like a king

Danny: more like a pig

Mateo: at least I don't look like a pig

Then they kept arguing I was driving me insane

You guys what is the deal with you to

Danny: I don't have a problem

Mateo: no problemo over here

Jade: then why do you both argue soooo much your driving us all up the wall

Danny: I sorry but he drives me up a wall

Mateo: ditto

Beth: we'll maybe you to should hang out to dissolve these problems or something

Jade: that's a great Idea so you to clear your schedules tomorrow and make some plans to hang out

Danny: fine I guess

Mateo: sighs** okay whatever

They then started making plans for tomorrow

Jade POV

After we all finished are food we all went back to Jaden's house no one was home thank God because I was not ready to meet Jaden's parents yet

Teo: hey J were is everyone

Jaden:we'll my parents are in Paris for a business meeting and willow is at one of her friends houses

Teo: so by the looks of it we got the place to are self's

Jaden:I guess so, what's do you guys want to do

Beth:we could watch a movie

Danny: yeah let's watch a movie

Jaden: jade what about you

Jade:I'm down with a movie

Teo:sounds like we are watching a movie

Moises:now for the hard part what movie are we going to watch

Jaden: I say a action movie

Danny: no way let's watch somthing romantic

Teo:no way am I watching a chick flick

Danny: well I'm not about to watch some stupid action movie

Beth: what if we watch the hunger games that way everyone is happy

Jade:that's a Great idea


Jaden POV

After the movie was over jade was laying on my lap Bethany was on the other side of the couch and Moises we passed out in the recliner chair and Danny was sleep on the smaller couch and Mateo was on the ground I dozed of shortly after ward


The next morning I took jade home and Mateo and Moises took Bethany and Danny home

Durning the car ride home me and jade talked about the most random things

Jaden: so have you came up with any names

Jade:names for what

Jaden: are nicknames that we call each other or our ship name

Jade:what did you have in mind

Jaden:how about baby-boo-face

Jade: that's kind of long for a nickname

Jade: good point,did you come up with anything

Jaden:yeah since both our names start with the letter j we could call our self the double j ßæ's 

Jade: that is quite clever I like it so its official you are my j bae

Jaden:we'll it looks like were here


I gave Jade a quick peck on the lips

Jade:bye j bae

Jaden:later j bae

***Authors Note***

I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter comment some things that you guys would like to see happen have a great day 👍👍 Instagram:jadabeta1

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